A walk through the status of best practice literature that sets the standard of care for safety and sustainability in the education facilities built for the performance arts.
Readings: The Seven Lively Arts (1924) Glibert Seldes (Oxford Academic review)
End of the first week of summer term – lovely to have our students back in studio!
Here’s 2nd Year student, Yasemin, performing Nela by alumnus Will Tuckett – enjoy! pic.twitter.com/vwCbPZ2wma
— Royal Ballet School (@RoyalBalletSch) April 28, 2023
This Is Marshall McLuhan (1967)https://t.co/HiR9l0Nk9ahttps://t.co/FEzQc7Hs3y pic.twitter.com/C8xUfOdDZe
— Standards Michigan (@StandardsMich) November 10, 2023