High Voltage Electric Service

2024-09-03 11:00 - 12:00

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla

High Voltage Electric Service

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    Kurtosis might seem like a purely statistical concept, but it has practical applications in various fields that can be relevant to everyday life:

    1. Investment and Finance: Investors use kurtosis to assess the risk of asset returns. High kurtosis in financial returns can indicate a higher probability of extreme outcomes (both gains and losses), which is crucial for risk management and portfolio optimization.
    2. Quality Control: In manufacturing, kurtosis can help detect defects in products. High kurtosis in the measurements of product characteristics can indicate a high number of outliers, suggesting potential issues in the production process.
    3. Environmental Studies: Environmental scientists use kurtosis to analyze data distributions in climate studies, pollution levels, and other environmental measurements. Understanding the distribution can help in identifying extreme events or outliers that could be significant for policy and decision-making.
    4. Healthcare: In medical research, kurtosis can be used to analyze the distribution of health-related data, such as the occurrence of diseases or the effectiveness of treatments. It helps in understanding the variability and outliers in the data, which can be critical for clinical decisions.
    5. Marketing and Customer Analysis: Businesses use kurtosis to understand consumer behavior and preferences. High kurtosis in customer satisfaction scores, for instance, might indicate a small but significant number of highly dissatisfied or highly satisfied customers, prompting targeted actions.
    6. Education: In educational assessments, kurtosis can help analyze the distribution of test scores. High kurtosis might indicate a few students with exceptionally high or low scores, which could be important for understanding the effectiveness of teaching methods or the difficulty of the test.

    In essence, kurtosis helps in identifying the presence and impact of outliers in various types of data, aiding in better decision-making and understanding of the phenomena under study.


  • 2024-09-24 11:00 - 2024-09-24 12:00

    Today at 11 AM/ET we update our understanding of best practice literature relevant to the information and communication technology enterprises in education communities.  Our online meetings coincides with the day of two IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee teleconferences at 14:00 Central European time and 2:00 PM Eastern time in the Americas.   Starting 2023 we have begun to break down our coverage of information and communication technology embedded in campus buildings into four modules - Infotech 100, 200, 300 and Infotech 400.

    Open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


  • 2024-11-05 11:00 - 2024-11-05 12:00


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