“Os justi” Rodolfus Foundation

2023-04-23 All day

“Os justi” is a sacred choral motet composed by the Austrian composer Anton Bruckner. The piece is based on a Latin text from the Book of Wisdom, which reads “Os justi meditabitur sapientiam, et lingua ejus loquetur judicium,” meaning “The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of judgment.” Bruckner composed the piece in 1879 for the choir of the St. Florian Monastery, where he served as the organist.

“Os justi” is characterized by its rich, sonorous harmonies and its use of subtle rhythmic and melodic variations to create a sense of organic development throughout the piece. The motet is often regarded as one of Bruckner’s finest choral works, and it has been praised for its deep spirituality and expressive power.

The piece is typically performed by a mixed choir a cappella, although some arrangements exist for accompanied versions. “Os justi” has become a popular selection for choral performances and recordings, and it is considered a cornerstone of the sacred choral repertoire.



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