Signs, Signs, Signs

2023-01-05 08:32 - 08:33


Our first impression of a community is its visual environment, which is reflected from the pretty integration of built and natural forms.  College campuses are oases of beauty; or used to be were it not for sign pollution. With increase in education community construction + advances in sign-making technology + growth of the administrative state + hottened litigation environment, signage has become visual “pollution” to many and, to others, a likely permanent pandemic era cultural affinity to be controlled and told what to do.

The education industry provides a natural home for “hall monitors”; personality types with close relatives in the standards conformance and compliance community.

How many signs are too many signs and how can leading practice discovery and promulgation among accredited standards developers contribute to solutions?  It may well be that there is no other industry on earth than the American education “industry” that is so replete with signage.   After Title, Scope and Purpose, and after Definitions, the topic of signage is found in a surprising number of titles and deserves a dedicated colloquium of its own.

Join us today when we sweep through the surprisingly large catalog of titles devoted to signage.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Signs, Signs, Signs

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