Regulatory Advocacy Update for MiAPPA Senior Facilities Officers | Winter 2017


Saginaw Valley State University

Link to printable version of the MIAPPA Summer 2016 Report

Link to printable version of the MIAPPA Summer 2016 Report

1.  The Simon Institute is publishing the first three ANSI accredited custodial standards for one of the largest cost centers in the US education facilities industry:

Note: It has taken nearly three years of @StandardsUMich advocacy and collaboration to get to this point but once driven into the education facilities market these consensus documents will make a significant contribution to our industry’s #TotalCostofOwnership agenda.

2. The 2017 National Electrical Code will contain two advocacy achievements on electrical safety and security, 9 years in the making:

  • §110.5 | Bright line language that clarifies that the National Electrical Code permits the use of  aluminum wiring for buildings and large medium voltage campus power distribution systems.  (Click here for recent coverage)
  • §220.12 | Lighting supply circuits may be reduced to 2-1/2 watts per square foor from 3-1/2 watts per square foot.  IEEE article on the 2014 NEC change (other trade journals will be covering our 2017 change):

IEEE IAS Article on NEC 220 Anthony Harmon Harvey July August 2016

Note: All electrical power, telecommunication and information technology concepts are being formulated in collaboration with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets on line bi-weekly in American and European time zones and is focused on developing IEEE standards for campus power and telecommunications infrastructure for the emergent #SmartCampus.

3. With the funding provided by MIAPPA and others, the NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation will undertake the branch circuit and feeder study.   Our hope is that we can see the results in the 2020 National Electrical Code.  (Click here for background)

4. The Office of Regulatory Reinvention is making significant changes to Bureau of Construction Code administration.  Some of the changes are those for which we have been advocating for the past 3 years — namely, putting a check on incumbent interests such as labor.

Link to Advocacy Project 14-1

One particular legislative proposal should be of interest: S.B. 963 Skilled Trades Regulation Act

David Flint and Kane Howard (Michigan State University) have been showing their presence at Bureau of Construction Code meetings:

Note: We welcome our MIAPPA colleagues to our bi-weekly teleconferences on State of Michigan regulatory activity affecting education facilities; particularly getting the user/owner/final fiduciary point of view to the building code division meetings.

5. The Michigan Energy Code (adapted from the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code) was adopted February 8, 2016.   We opted to advocate in the ASHRAE suite rather than directly in the IECC which was a more cost effective use of advocacy resources (Click here for coverage)

6. NFPA International has created a new Facilities Management Advisory Council for 11 sectors of the US economy.  Harvard University and the University of Michigan have been selected as organizations to represent US health care and education facilities respectively.   (Link to related coverage).   After the NFPA kick-off meeting later this month, @StandardsUMich will be collaborating with Harvard University to contribute to NFPA International’s understanding of the global education facilities market.  MIAPPA stakeholders are welcomed to join the Forum set up for this purpose: Link to NFPA Facilities Manager Advisory Council Forum.  (Note that participants will need to set up a login and password)

7. We continue our advocacy for performance-based inspection, testing & maintenance in ISEA Z358.1 ANSI Standard for Emergency Shower and Eyewash Equipment.   We are seeking funding for a blind study of the failure rates of this equipment.   The 2018 revision cycle begins in December 2016.   (Link to Advocacy Project 13-28)

8. MIAPPA members are welcomed to join and contribute to our social media platforms:

Blog | Daily updates on commenting opportunities on all global standards that govern the physical infrastructure of education facilities.  We welcome new subscribers.

Twitter | Hourly tracking of concepts that apply to our industry.  We welcome new followers.

YouTube | Videorecordings of collaborations and presentations.  We welcome presenters.

Instagram | Photos of “things” in the Internet of Things in the emergent #SmartCampus.  We welcome photos of the workpoint.

Soundcloud | Audiorecordings of ideas inspired at the workpoint.   We welcome ideas; even phone calls about an idea inspired from the workpoint may be uploaded and shared immediately.

9. We continue encouraging proposals and comments on ANSI accredited and open source consensus documents that affect #TotalCostofOwnership by knowledgeable facility professionals of all disciplines.  For the past two years we have kept track of trade association advocacy performance on this page: Regulatory Informatics.   The objective is to take measure of how the 100-odd education industry trade associations are contributing to lowering the life-cycle costs of buildings and infrastructure through assertive advocacy in regulatory product development.

10. Links to previous updates:

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