“The Big Chill” Morning Coffee

'A group of friends reunite to join the funeral service for one of their housemates from their time in Ann Arbor. The film explores their personal and generational struggles and the changes that have occurred in their lives since'. The film was released in September 1983 with several performances receiving Academy Awards

Apr 27, 2024


Illinois Public Media is service of the University of Illinois System, educating, entertaining, inspiring and empowering by airing the best of public television and radio programs, producing local content for broadcast and the Web, and working with community partners to address needs and concerns.  WILLAG.ORG distributes regionally, nationally, and internationally information and analysis of commodity markets and agricultural weather.

Apr 27, 2024

What Are People Wearing?

The Unknown Vlogger explores campus street fashion.

Apr 27, 2024


The "Ten Lawn Pavilions" was part of Thomas Jefferson’s original design for his "Academical Village".

Apr 27, 2024

Quadrivium: Spring

Educational settlements are the closest many people come to feel at home in beautiful surroundings. The catalog that informs the safety and sustainability of these "cities-within-cities" changes 100 to 1000 times per day. By design titles are unstable, time-sensitive and copyright protected. We explore the action continuously; assign priorities, then schedule a separate teleconference to formulate responses to public consultations. Daily colloquia topics appear on our CALENDAR.

Apr 27, 2024

Track & Field

Track and field sports were among the earliest forms of organized athletic competitions. The Olympic Games, which began in 776 BCE, included events such as running races, wrestling, boxing, discus and javelin throwing, and the pentathlon, which combined running, jumping, and throwing. Today at 15:00 UTC we examine the safety and measurement technologies that have evolved to support one of the few meritocratic domains remaining in United States education communities.

Apr 26, 2024

Steeplechase Water Jump

The steeplechase is a track and field event that originated from a horse racing event known as the "steeplechase" in Ireland in the 18th century. The horse racing steeplechase was a race that involved jumping over various obstacles, including hedges, ditches, and streams, and the term "steeplechase" originated from the practice of racing from one church steeple to another. Over time, the steeplechase event evolved into a human footrace, and it eventually became an established track and field event.

Apr 26, 2024

Athletics facilities upgrades: $390 Million

OSU was founded in 1890 as Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College under the Morrill Act of 1862 set in motion by President Abraham Lincoln. It has approximately 30,000 students across 1500 acres with 400 buildings. Its athletic department runs an operating budget of about $100 million.

Apr 26, 2024

Sports Turf Management

Many colleges, universities and school districts have hundreds of acres of live or artificial turf that require expertise in plant and material sciences.

Apr 26, 2024
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