Category Archives: Architectural/Hammurabi


Museum Lighting

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Schools as Storm Shelters

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Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12131 et seq

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Industrial Duct Construction Standards

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§ 303.4 / Places of Religious Worship / Group A-3

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2021 IBC Healthcare Facilities

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Finish Carpentry Installation

University of Southern California

The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) seeks to be the global leader in architectural woodwork standards and related interior finishes.   It has released a redline for public review and comment its standard AWI 0620 Finish Carpentry/Installation.   AWI 0620 is written to provide comprehensive guidelines for the installation and finishing of architectural woodwork and related interior products.  This standard should be important to the largest non-residential building construction market in the United States.

Comments are due  August 20th.  You may obtain an electronic copy from:  Send your comments to the same email address (with copy to  All consensus standards involving the architectural trades are on the agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconference — every Wednesday, 11 AM Eastern time  (CLICK HERE to log in).  Additionally, we have set aside an hour per month to run through all consensus documents that are referenced in typical design, construction, operations & maintenance contracts.  The next teleconference is scheduled for July 23rd, 11 AM Eastern time, as described in the link below:

Design Guidelines & Specifications

Issue: [18-189]

Category; Architectural

ANSI Standards Action Notice | PDF Page 7

McMaster University

IBC §116 | Unsafe Structures & Equipment

There is a group of proposals now under consideration by the ICC Building Code Action Committee (BCAC) that is being prepared for the International Code Council’s meetings April 15 to 25, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio.   The intent of these proposals is a start to improving consistency in Chapter 1 of the 2021 International Building Code.  The definitions in the document linked below are scoped to administrative content across most of the ICC standard suite.   The “Reason” (substantiation) statements — always a required in the ICC process — indicate which codes have the same information and with no proposed changes.  Where there is coordination with the International Residential Codes or the ICC Energy codes, the proposals in the link below show Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 since Chapter 1 of those codes is heard in breakout hearings by those code committees:

BCAC Proposals for Administrative Coordination of Unsafe Structures and Equipment ADM 1-4

Queries about the BCAC committee may be directed to Ed Wirtschorek (  To participate more broadly in International Code Council consensus documents you need only register as a stakeholder in ICC cdpACCESS.  We will also add this item to the standing agenda of our weekly Open Door teleconferences (every Wednesday 11 AM Eastern Time) to which everyone is welcomed:

Issue: [18-73]

Category: Facility Asset Management, Architectural, Public Safety, Risk Management, Space Planning

Contact: Mike Anthony (mike@standards, Richard Robben (

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