Language: Unlawful Entry into the United States

Euphemisms for illegal immigration vary depending on context and perspective, and some may carry different connotations than others. Here are some examples:


Euphemisms for illegal immigration vary depending on context and perspective, and some may carry different connotations than others. Here are some examples:

  1. Undocumented immigration
  2. Unauthorized immigration
  3. Irregular migration
  4. Unlawful entry
  5. Unauthorized entry
  6. Irregular entry
  7. Irregular border crossing
  8. Irregular status
  9. Irregular residency
  10. Irregular presence
  11. Unlawful presence
  12. Unauthorized residency
  13. Irregular stay
  14. Irregular migration status
  15. Irregular immigrant
  16. Undocumented migrant
  17. Unauthorized migrant
  18. Irregular worker
  19. Undocumented worker
  20. Unauthorized worker

It’s important to note that the choice of terminology can reflect different perspectives and attitudes towards immigration, legality, and human rights.

Standards January: Language


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