IEEE 493 (Gold Book) Table 10-35 Update


September 26, 2024

Mike Anthony has been a catalyst for conveying IEEE best practice concepts into the National Electrical Code for many NEC revisions.  His contribution to Bob Arno’s project will be to update the table below; or improve its useability as our findings determine.

This table is based upon a ~50 item data set reported in a 1975 paper.  It has served the industry well — and still may in its present form — but due diligence requires application of current gathering techniques and respect for the distribution reliability data that is now available.

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Recent Research: (IEEE papers are abundant on this topic so we will be adding to this list on a near-daily basis)

United States: Sources:

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

US Army Corps of Engineers Power Reliability Enhancement Program

Several States & Universities (Lorem Ipsum) | Largest US campus power grids (IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee)

North American Electric Reliability Council

Electric Power Research Institute

Edison Electric Institute

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

American Public Power Association (APPA)

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)


IEEE 1366.2022  Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices

Workspace IEEE 1366: Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices



Link to Original Report: Power System Reliability Subcommittee Conference Report (Toronto, Canada, May 5-8 1975)

75CH0947-1-1A, pp. 131-133

3006HistoricalData-2012 – Historical Reliability Data for IEEE 3006 Standards: Power Systems Reliability

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