Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland's status as a separate entity within the United Kingdom stems from a complex history intertwined with Ireland's struggle for independence from British rule. In 1920, the Government of Ireland Act created two distinct regions on the island: Northern Ireland, with a Protestant majority that favored remaining part of the UK, and Southern Ireland, which later became the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland), predominantly Catholic and seeking independence. This division resulted from religious and political tensions. The Northern Ireland conflict, or "The Troubles," erupted in the late 1960s, primarily due to discrimination against Catholics and demands for civil rights. It continued for decades before peace efforts culminated in the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, preserving Northern Ireland as part of the UK while promoting peace and power-sharing.


Queens University Belfast

Ulster University Campus Facilities

Ulster University Graduate Fashion Show

North West Academy of English

National Rules for Electrical Installations

Queen’s University Belfast

Ollscoil Uladh | Béal Feirste

St Mary’s University College Belfast

National Standards Authority of Ireland


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