Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny – PKN
Jednym ze współgospodarzy @slaskifestiwal jest Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia – @metropoliagzm. Zadaniem GZM jest tworzenie dla mieszkańców jak najlepszych warunków nie tylko do życia, czy pracy, ale również do nauki: https://t.co/XNlK5HWP0E pic.twitter.com/qSIFBfnwJW— Uniwersytet Śląski (@USinKatowice) November 6, 2023
This is Poland and it is beautiful. pic.twitter.com/SVdTYGcwSf
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 25, 2024
Percentage of Americans of Polish Descent. 🇵🇱🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/qr4TS3dKrb
— Dominik Andrzejczuk (🇵🇱,🇺🇸) — e/acc ⏩ (@QuantumDom) November 25, 2024
#Poland | The Pope Who Changed Poland
Finalists of the Miss Poland 2024 contest.
What do you think?
— Figen (@TheFigen_) July 31, 2024
Sir Roger Scruton receives the Order of Merit from the Republic of Poland
Tuesday 4th June 2019 — exactly 30 years on from the date when democracy began to be restored in Poland, Sir Roger has been given a state honour by President Andrzej Duda: “Recognising outstanding merits in the activity for the support of democratic transformation in Poland as well as for developing Polish and British scientific and academic cooperation: the grand cordon of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland has been bestowed on the citizen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Sir Roger Scruton.”
Gdańska Rozgłośnia Akademicka | Index 96 FM

Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny – PKN