

The International Building Code covers stairways primarily in Chapter 10 – Means of Egress, specifically under Section 1011 – Stairways. This section provides detailed regulations on stairway design, dimensions, safety features, and accessibility.

Key Aspects of Stairway Requirements in the IBC:

  1. Minimum Width (1011.2)

    • Stairways must be at least 44 inches wide if serving an occupant load of 50 or more.
    • If serving fewer than 50 occupants, the width can be 36 inches minimum.
  2. Headroom (1011.3)

    • Minimum clear headroom of 80 inches (6 feet 8 inches) must be maintained throughout the stairway.
  3. Tread & Riser Dimensions (1011.5)

    • Minimum tread depth: 11 inches.
    • Maximum riser height: 7 inches.
    • Minimum riser height: 4 inches.
  4. Stairway Landings (1011.6)

    • Landings must be at least as deep as the stairway width but not less than 48 inches in depth.
  5. Handrails (1011.11, 1014)

    • Required on both sides of the stairway.
    • Height: 34-38 inches measured from the nosing of the stair treads.
    • Extensions required at the top and bottom of stairs.
  6. Guardrails (1015)

    • Required if the stairway is 30 inches or more above the floor.
    • Guards must be 42 inches high with openings not exceeding 4 inches.
  7. Spiral Staircases (1011.10)

    • Allowed for certain uses but must comply with specific size and design criteria.
  8. Emergency Egress Stairs (1023)

    • Enclosed exit stairways must have fire-resistant construction, depending on building height and occupancy type.
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