Tag Archives: Connecticut


American Vitruvius

University of Michigan North Quad

Robert A. M. Stern is an American architect, educator, and author known for his contributions to the field of architecture, urbanism, and design. Stern has been particularly influential in shaping the aesthetics of educational campuses through his architectural practice and academic involvement. Here are some key aspects of his approach to the aesthetics of educational campuses that attract philanthropic legacies:

  1. Pedagogical Ideals:
    • Stern’s designs for educational campuses often reflect his understanding of pedagogical ideals. He considers the spatial organization and layout of buildings in relation to the educational mission of the institution.
    • Spaces are designed to foster a sense of community, encourage interaction, and support the overall educational experience.
  2. Traditional and Classical Influences:
    • Stern is known for his commitment to classical and traditional architectural styles. He often draws inspiration from historical architectural forms and traditional design principles.
    • His work reflects a belief in the enduring value of classical architecture and its ability to create a sense of timelessness and continuity.
  3. Contextual Design:
    • Stern emphasizes the importance of contextual design, taking into consideration the existing architectural context and the cultural or historical characteristics of the surrounding area.
    • When designing educational campuses, he often seeks to integrate new buildings harmoniously into the existing campus fabric.
  4. Attention to Detail:
    • Stern is known for his meticulous attention to detail. His designs often feature carefully crafted elements, including ornamental details, materials, and proportions.
    • This focus on detail contributes to the creation of visually rich and aesthetically pleasing environments.
  5. Adaptation of Historical Forms:
    • While Stern’s work is firmly rooted in traditional and classical architecture, he also demonstrates an ability to adapt historical forms to contemporary needs. His designs often feature a synthesis of timeless architectural elements with modern functionality.


Group A Model Building Codes

Finian’s Rainbow

“Finian’s Rainbow” is a musical (written by E.Y. Harburg – University of Michigan 1918) that tells the story of an Irishman named Finian McLonergan who comes to the United States with his daughter Sharon to bury a pot of gold stolen from a leprechaun. Finian believes that if he buries the gold in the soil of Fort Knox, it will grow and multiply, allowing him to live a life of luxury.

However, the town they settle in, Rainbow Valley, is owned by a racist senator named Billboard Rawkins, who wants to evict the sharecroppers living on the land. With the help of a local activist named Woody, Sharon and the sharecroppers team up to stop Rawkins’ eviction plans.

Meanwhile, Og, the leprechaun whose gold Finian stole, comes to America to get his gold back. Og meets and falls in love with Susan, the mute daughter of the sharecropper Woody, and realizes that he wants to stay in America with her.

The story deals with themes of racism, prejudice, and the American dream, and features memorable like “Old Devil Moon,” “How Are Things in Glocca Morra?” and “If This Isn’t Love.”

Lively Arts 300

Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup

Yale Hospitality Berkeley | Yale Facilities | 2024 Yale Endowment $41.4B 


grilled cheese and tomato soup lunch at yale: berkeley dining hall edition!! #yale #yaleuniversity #yaledining #yaledininghall #yalefood #yalelaw #student #college #collegefood #foodie #mukbang #collegelife #dininghall #dreamschool #ivyleague #collegehacks #mukbang #pizza #bestschool #grilledcheese #grilledcheesetomatosoup #tomatosoup #cooking #pickle #pickles #collegestudentlife #whatiate #whatieatinaday #everythingiate #whatieatinadayrealistic

♬ original sound – millie liao 🌟

Standard Soups


What is Happening to the Family, and Why?

“The family is nature’s masterpiece”

— George Santayana


Educated at Yale College, Somerville College, the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard Medical School and Columbia Law School, Amy Wax speaks to the Buckley Institute, founded by William F. Buckley (Yale 1950). Links to National Centers at Bowling Green State University, the University of Virginia and the University of Nebraska.

Inside Higher Ed (September 24, 2024): Amy Wav Update

In popular culture:

The Anthropology of Karens

People grow up in a web of relationships that is already in place, supporting them as they grow. From the inside out, it includes parents, extended family and clan, neighborhood groups and civic associations, church, local and provincial governments and finally national government.

College students create the ultimate hangover cure

Two Yale University seniors have created a product they believe will cure what ails their peers — and many others: hangovers.

Margaret Morse and Liam McClintock wanted a supplement that would allow them to have fun on a night out, but would not impede on being able to work the next morning.

What causes hangovers to begin with? Morse, a molecular cellular and developmental biology major, told local news outlet WTNH, “There’s an acetaldehyde build up. There is a vitamin and electrolyte loss. There is a glutamine rebound and there are immunological disturbances.”

Their proposed solution is SunUp, a powdered citrus-flavored supplement filled with vitamins and nutrients.

“This is a powder that you take before you start drinking and it helps your liver deal with the stress you’re putting it under when you drink,” McClintock told WTNH. According to the New Haven Register, one would drink SunUp in a glass of water around an hour before they start drinking.  While one might believe dehydration is the cause of hangovers, SunUp’s website explains that it is actually a symptom. “These two phenomena are concurrent because of the diuretic effects of alcohol, but dehydration does not cause the actual hangover feeling,” says the site’s FAQ.  SunUp instead focuses on combating four root causes of a hangover: acetaldehyde building, vitamin and electrolyte loss, glutamine rebound and immunological disturbances.

“It’s intended for productive workers,” McClintock told WTNH. “Like ourselves who like to have a social life, like to go out and have a couple of drinks but also need to be productive the next day and get up and have work to do.”

Morse and McClintock have received positive feedback from fellow students and the Yale community. They’ve brought it to a pharmaceutical company, and it could be available in April. SunUp will retail for $5; if you want to pre-order, you can purchase through the company’s Indiegogo page.

Yale University Office of Facilities

Not-for-Profit Update

We track action in the catalog of this consortia standards developer because we continually seek ways to avoid spending a dollar to save a dime; characteristic of an industry that is a culture more than it is a business.


While not an ANSI accredited the FASB/GASB standards setting enterprise’s due process requirements (balance, open-ness, appeal, etc.)* are “ANSI-like” and widely referenced in education enterprise management best practice.  Recent action in its best practice bibliography is listed below


For obvious reasons, we have an interest in its titles relevant to Not-For-Profit Entities


At present the non-profit titles are stable with the 2020 revision.  That does not mean there is not work than can be done.  Faculty and students may be interested in the FASG program linked below:

Academics in Standard Setting

Also, the “Accounting for Environmental Credit Programs”, last updated in January, may interest colleges and universities with energy and sustainability curricula.  You may track progress at the link below:


The Battle about Money

We encourage our colleagues to communicate directly with the FASB on any issue (Click here).   Other titles in the FASB/GASB best practice bibliography are a standing item on our Finance colloquia; open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.


Issue: [15-190]

Category: Finance, Administration & Management, Facility Asset Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben

Workspace / FASB GASB

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