Tag Archives: D4


Sound Transmission

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Standards für die Präanalytik

Laboratory Chemical Safety Fixtures

Fast & Ultra-Fast Charging for Battery Electric Vehicles

IEC Sustainable mobility systems

IEEE Spectrum | 4 December 2022

Fast and Ultra-Fast Charging for Battery Electric Vehicles – A Review

Camilo Suarez – Wilmar Martinez
Department of Electrical Engineering KU Leuven — EnergyVille, Belgium
Abstract: This paper intends to establish an overall up-to-date review on Fast Charging methods for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). This study starts from basic concepts involving single battery cell charging, current and future charging standards. Then, some popular power converter topologies employed for this application are introduced, and finally a summary of the industrial solutions available on the market are presented, as well as the ongoing projects related to the extreme fast charging (XFC) network expansion. Practical insights, considering the current BEV scenario, are employed to get a better understanding of this topic. Special attention is given to the modular design approach, analyzing its advantages and some of the factors that influence the number and size of modules that conform a fast charger solution.
CLICK HERE for complete paper

Personal e-Transporters


Today we pick through the literature for best practice in recycling enterprises in education communities.  We have been keeping pace with the evolution of regulations in this domain for over 15 years now.  Much like the security zietgeist the number of organizations involved in standards setting and conformance will likely surprise you.  It is a cross cutting topic with a growing body of expert agencies claiming some part of the domain.

We will also pick through a few representative legislative proposals.   Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Art Wall from Recycled Materials 2017 Barbara Rucci

Cloud based smart recycling bin for waste classification

Research on recycling of industrial waste

Smart Recycling Machine to collect the wasted Non-woven Fabric Face Mask

Curriculum for Effective Recycling

Readings / Evaluating Water-Damaged Electrical Equipment

*May 10, 2021

We have been keeping pace with the evolution of regulations in this domain for over 15 years now.  Hydra-like growth in policy think tanks and standards-developing organizations expanding into this domain will likely surprise you.  For example, in no particular order:

College and University Recycling Association

NSF International Joint Committee on Environmental Leadership Standard for Servers

Sustainability Leadership for Photovoltaic Modules

Reconditioned Electrical Equipment

Sustainable Electronics Recycling International

Environmental Protection Agency: Land, Waste, and Cleanup Topics

As in other domains, the private standards system competes with government “influencers” and incumbent proxies who make markets through legislation.

Specific requirements must be met for recycling to be economically feasible and environmentally effective. These include an adequate source of recyclates, a system to extract those recyclates from the waste stream, a nearby factory capable of reprocessing the recyclates, and a potential demand for the recycled products. These last two requirements are often overlooked—without both an industrial market for production using the collected materials and a consumer market for the manufactured goods, recycling is incomplete and in fact only “collection”.

Kitchen Wiring

“Le Coin de Cuisine” | 1883 Edwin Deakin

Education communities are stewards of hundreds of commercial-class kitchens in which the proximate risk of electrical energy must be managed — water spills and grease, fires, worn electrical cords on countertop equipment, faulty wiring or equipment, damaged outlets or connectors, and improperly used or damaged extension cords among them.   The safety and sustainability rules for this occupancy class is identified as Assembly Group A-2 in Section 303 of the International Building Code

We explore recent transcripts of expert committee activity in NEC Article 210 and provide links to video commentary.

Public comment on the First Draft of the 2026 NEC is open until 28 August 2024.  We typically coordinate our effort with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.  The workspace set up for generating proposals can be found in the link below.

2026 National Electrical Code Workspace

2023 National Electrical Code (Free Access)

Other access portals:

UpCodes: 2020 NEC

Texas Electrical Code

California Electrical Code

Michigan Electrical Code: Part 8 Rules

Transcripts of the 2023 NEC are linked below:

Public Input Report (Part 1)

Public Input Report (Part 2)

Public Comment Report

We examine transcripts to track technical specifics that apply to student accommodation kitchens (on and off campus), university-affiliated hospital kitchens and sport arenas.

Relevant Research:

Smart Kitchen: Real Time Monitoring of Kitchen through IoT

Design of Chinese Smart Kitchen Based on Users’ Behavior

Intelligent kitchen management system based on gas safety

A Futuristic Kitchen Assistant – Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

A Multi-radar Architecture for Human Activity Recognition in Indoor Kitchen Environments

Morning Shower


“The Bathing Pool” | Hubert Robert (1733–1808)

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Design Considerations for Hot Water Plumbing

Baseline Standards for Student Housing


Indoor plumbing has a long history, but it became widely available in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the United States, for example, the first indoor plumbing system was installed in the Governor’s Palace in Williamsburg, Virginia in the early 18th century. However, it was not until the mid-19th century that indoor plumbing became more common in middle-class homes.

One important milestone was the development of cast iron pipes in the 19th century, which made it easier to transport water and waste throughout a building. The introduction of the flush toilet in the mid-19th century also played a significant role in making indoor plumbing more practical and sanitary.

By the early 20th century, indoor plumbing had become a standard feature in most middle-class homes in the United States and other developed countries. However, it was still not widely available in rural areas and poorer urban neighborhoods until much later.

International Plumbing Code

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