Tag Archives: M10


Campus Fire Safety Month

Photo by Architect of the Capitol

Left: The teacher and children in a “little red schoolhouse” represent an important part of American education in the 1800s.  Right: Students attend a land grant college, symbolic of the national commitment to higher learning.



Expressing support for the designation of September 2019 as Campus Fire Safety Month.

Whereas student-related housing fires in Texas, Oregon, Illinois, Washington, DC, Pennsylvania, and other schools across the country have tragically cut short the lives of some of the youth of the Nation;

Whereas, since January 2000, at least 175 people, including students, parents, and children have died in college-related fires;

Whereas approximately 87 percent of these deaths have occurred in off-campus occupancies;

Whereas a majority of the students across the Nation live in off-campus occupancies;

Whereas a number of fatal fires have occurred in buildings where the fire safety systems have been compromised or disabled by the occupants;

Whereas it is recognized that automatic fire alarm systems and smoke alarms provide the necessary early warning to occupants and the fire department of a fire so that appropriate action can be taken;

Whereas it is recognized that automatic fire sprinkler systems are a highly effective method of controlling or extinguishing a fire in its early stages, protecting the lives of the building’s occupants;

Whereas many students are living in off-campus occupancies, Greek housing, and residence halls that are not adequately protected with automatic fire sprinkler systems and automatic fire alarm systems or adequate smoke alarms;

Whereas it is recognized that fire safety education is an effective method of reducing the occurrence of fires and reducing the resulting loss of life and property damage;

Whereas students are not routinely receiving effective fire safety education throughout their entire college career;

Whereas it is vital to educate the future generation of the Nation about the importance of fire safety behavior so that these behaviors can help to ensure their safety during their college years and beyond; and

Whereas by developing a generation of fire-safe adults, future loss of life from fires can be significantly reduced: Now, therefore, be it


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