Tag Archives: Saturday


Animal Safety

“One of the Family” 1880 | Frederick George Cotman

NFPA 150 Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code has entered its s025 revision cycle.   Many education communities are responsible for animal safety in academic units, research enterprises. museums and even — as in the United Kingdom — large farm animals that wander freely on campus with students, faculty and staff.  The number of colleges and universities that permit students to live with their pets has expanded; and with it the responsibilities of university administration.

From the document scope:

This standard shall provide the minimum requirements for the design, construction, fire protection, and classification of animal housing facilities.  The requirements of NFPA 150 recognize the following fundamental principles:

(1) Animals are sentient beings with a value greater than that of simple property.

(2) Animals, both domesticated and feral, lack the ability of self-preservation when housed in buildings and other structures.

(3) Current building, fire, and life safety codes do not address the life safety of the animal occupants. The requirements found in NFPA 150 are written with the intention that animal housing facilities will continue to be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the applicable building, fire, and life safety codes.

The requirements herein are not intended to replace or rewrite the basic requirements for the human occupants. Instead, NFPA 150 provides additional minimum requirements for the protection of the animal occupants and the human occupants who interact with those animals in these facilities. 


A full description of the project is linked below:

Fire and Life Safety in Animal Housing Facilities Code

Access to the 2025 Edition is linked below:


We provide the transcript of the back-and-forth on the current 2022 edition to inform how education communities can contribute to the improvement of this title; a subject that stirs deep feelings about animal safety in research enterprises.

NFPA 150 First Draft Agenda

NFPA 150 Second Draft Report

Public comment on the Second Draft of the 2025 Edition will be received until March 27, 2024.   

We have been advocating risk-informed animal safety concepts in this document since the 2013 Edition and have found that it is nearly impossible to overestimate the sensitivity of educational communities to the life safety of animals — either for agriculture or medical research.

We maintain the entire NFPA catalog on the standing agenda of our Prometheus colloquia.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.


Issue: [11-1] and [19-5]

Category: Fire Protection, Facility Asset Management, Academic, Risk Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Josh Elvove, Joe DeRosier


Protecting Animals When Disaster Strikes

Animals 300



25 Most Pet-Friendly Colleges

National Institute of Health: Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

International Building Code: Section 304 (Business Group B): Animal hospitals, kennels and pounds

Terrestrial Animal Health Code

IEEE Guide for Animal Deterrents for Electric Power Supply Substations

ASHRAE Animal Facilities

IEEE Livestock Monitoring System

Ventilation Design Handbook on Animal Research Facilities

HVAC Design in Animal Facilities

USDA Animal Welfare Information Center

ISO Assistance Dogs

US Department of Agriculture: Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations

S. 4288: Reducing Animal Testing Act

Guaranteeing safety of animals under risk of fire: conceptual framework and technical issues analysis

Protecting Animals When Disaster Strikes



“Marriage is a duel to the death

which no man should decline”

— G.K. Chesterton

“Wedded” 1882 Lord Frederic Leighton

…”Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.

For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up;

but pity the one who falls without another to help him up!…

– Ecclesiastes 4:9

University of Michigan Botanical Gardens

Vanderbilt University | Davidson County Tennessee

University of Rochester New York

University of Minnesota | Hennepin County


Oxford University

University of Chicago | Cook County


Vanderbilt University | Davidson County Tennessee


Saginaw Valley State University | Saginaw County Michigan


“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” — Genesis 2:24

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Space Standards

International Building Code §303.3 Assembly Group A-2 

Evensong “How Do You Keep the Music Playing?”


What Is A Standard Drink?


“It’s a fine line between Saturday night

and Sunday morning” – Jimmy Buffett


“Rather a bottle in front of me

than a frontal lobotomy” — Some guy


Many people are surprised to learn what counts as a “drink”. The amount of liquid in your glass, can, or bottle does not necessarily match up to how much alcohol is actually in your drink.  Even before the United States federal government withdrew from regulating alcohol, the conversation, and degree of agreement and  attitude, remains remarkably regionally specific:

Missouri University of Science & Technology: What is a Standard Drink?

University of South Alabama: What is a Standard Drink?

Stanford University Office of Alcohol Policy and Education

Other nations serve alcohol to students on campus in university owned facilities.

Maynooth University Student Union County Kildare

College students create the ultimate hangover cure

College students create the ultimate hangover cure

Two Yale University seniors have created a product they believe will cure what ails their peers — and many others: hangovers.

Margaret Morse and Liam McClintock wanted a supplement that would allow them to have fun on a night out, but would not impede on being able to work the next morning.

What causes hangovers to begin with? Morse, a molecular cellular and developmental biology major, told local news outlet WTNH, “There’s an acetaldehyde build up. There is a vitamin and electrolyte loss. There is a glutamine rebound and there are immunological disturbances.”

Their proposed solution is SunUp, a powdered citrus-flavored supplement filled with vitamins and nutrients.

“This is a powder that you take before you start drinking and it helps your liver deal with the stress you’re putting it under when you drink,” McClintock told WTNH. According to the New Haven Register, one would drink SunUp in a glass of water around an hour before they start drinking.  While one might believe dehydration is the cause of hangovers, SunUp’s website explains that it is actually a symptom. “These two phenomena are concurrent because of the diuretic effects of alcohol, but dehydration does not cause the actual hangover feeling,” says the site’s FAQ.  SunUp instead focuses on combating four root causes of a hangover: acetaldehyde building, vitamin and electrolyte loss, glutamine rebound and immunological disturbances.

“It’s intended for productive workers,” McClintock told WTNH. “Like ourselves who like to have a social life, like to go out and have a couple of drinks but also need to be productive the next day and get up and have work to do.”

Morse and McClintock have received positive feedback from fellow students and the Yale community. They’ve brought it to a pharmaceutical company, and it could be available in April. SunUp will retail for $5; if you want to pre-order, you can purchase through the company’s Indiegogo page.

Yale University Office of Facilities

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