Tag Archives: Tennessee


Latte Macchiato

Finding a life partner with whom to raise a family is more

important than choice of campus, its architecture, career path

or what is remembered of Plato, Dante, Euler, Shakespeare or Dirac.

Standards Tennessee

Trevecca Dining


Raw Milk

The consumption of raw milk, which is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized, is a topic of debate and controversy. Advocates of raw milk claim certain potential advantages, while opponents highlight health risks associated with consuming unpasteurized milk. It’s important to note that health regulations and recommendations vary by region, and some places may have restrictions on the sale or distribution of raw milk due to safety concerns.

Advocates of raw milk often cite the following potential advantages:

  1. Nutrient Retention: Some argue that the pasteurization process, which involves heating milk to kill harmful bacteria, may also destroy certain beneficial nutrients in milk. Proponents of raw milk claim that it retains more of its natural vitamins, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria.
  2. Enzymes: Raw milk contains natural enzymes that may aid in digestion and nutrient absorption. Some people believe that these enzymes are destroyed during pasteurization, potentially affecting the milk’s nutritional value.
  3. Probiotics: Raw milk may contain beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, which could contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. These bacteria are thought to have potential health benefits.
  4. Improved Taste: Some individuals prefer the taste of raw milk, finding it to be richer and creamier compared to pasteurized milk.

However, it’s crucial to consider the potential risks associated with raw milk consumption:

  1. Bacterial Contamination: Raw milk can harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Listeria. These bacteria can cause serious foodborne illnesses, especially in vulnerable populations such as young children, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems.
  2. Health and Safety Concerns: Pasteurization is a process designed to kill harmful bacteria without significantly affecting the nutritional value of the milk. It has played a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases through milk consumption.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: In many regions, the sale of raw milk is subject to strict regulations due to concerns about public health. Consumers should be aware of and comply with local laws and regulations regarding raw milk.

Before considering raw milk consumption, individuals should thoroughly research local regulations, consult with healthcare professionals, and weigh the potential benefits against the associated risks. It’s essential to prioritize food safety and make informed decisions based on reliable information.


Morning with Cows

Standards Tennessee

“Short Mountain, Hawkins County, Tennessee” 1852 Robert S. Duncanson

As we explain in our ABOUT, we are continuing build-out of a collaboration platform for “code writers and vote-getters” begun at the University of Michigan in 1993.  We are now drilling down into state and local adaptations of nationally developed codes and standards that are incorporated by reference into public safety and sustainability legislation.

Standards Michigan remains the “free” home site but state-specific sites such as Standards Tennessee will be accessible to user-interest code-writers and vote-getters.   Please send bella@standardsmichigan.com a request to join one of our mailing lists appropriate to your interest for #SmartCampus standards action in the State of Tennessee.


September 20: Wilson County approves $59.9 million in bonds for schools

September 12: University of Tennessee Knoxville | Breaking Ground on New School of Nursing

September 9: Union University breaks ground on new academic building


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The College System of Tennessee: Department of Facilities Development


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Municipal Technical Advisory Service | University of Tennessee

Municode Tennessee


Tennessee Public Utility Commission

Information & Communication

College Radio stations in Tennessee


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Standards Tennessee Workspace

Wish that I was on ol’ Rocky TopDown in the Tennessee hillsAin’t no smoggy smoke on Rocky TopAin’t no telephone bills
Once I had a girl on Rocky TopHalf bear, other half catWild as a mink, but sweet as soda popI still dream about that
Rocky Top, you’ll always beHome sweet home to meGood ol’ Rocky TopRocky Top, TennesseeRocky Top, Tennessee
Once two strangers climbed ol’ Rocky TopLookin’ for a moonshine stillStrangers ain’t come down from Rocky TopReckon they never will
Corn won’t grow at all on Rocky TopDirt’s too rocky by farThat’s why all the folks on Rocky TopGet their corn from a jar
Rocky Top, you’ll always beHome sweet home to meGood ol’ Rocky TopRocky Top, TennesseeRocky Top, Tennessee
I’ve had years of cramped-up city lifeTrapped like a duck in a penAll I know is it’s a pity lifeCan’t be simple again
Rocky Top, you’ll always beHome sweet home to meGood ol’ Rocky TopRocky Top, TennesseeRocky Top, TennesseeRocky Top, Tennessee
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Felice Bryant / Bryant Boudleuaux
Rocky Top lyrics © House Of Bryant Publc., House Of Bryant Publications Llc
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