University of Cambridge Estates Division
“Monday morning” as a concept since the modern idea of weekdays, including Monday as the start of the workweek, is a relatively recent development. In ancient times, different cultures had their own systems for organizing time, often based on astronomical or religious cycles rather than the structured workweek we’re familiar with today.
From ancient writings, however, we learn about the start of the week in various contexts. For instance, in Greco-Roman literature, there are numerous references to the beginning of the day and the importance of starting tasks early. Additionally, certain religious texts, such as the Bible, may contain references to the first day of the week, which could be interpreted in a similar context to Monday.
“No matter where you are in the world,
you are at home when tea is served.”
– Earlene Grey
There is an American way for drinking tea, a British way of drinking tea, a Japanese way of drinking tea and so forth and so on. However, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) section ISO 3103 concludes upon an “international way” of drinking tea. The ISO even created a standard on how to run a standard organization. Their goal for this standard, no matter where you are in the world, is to have one way to play it safe in terms of making tea. To maintain consistent results, the following are recommendations given by the standard:
If you travel out of the country and are not informed on the countries traditions and practices for drinking tea, according to the ISO, you can’t go wrong by using the above standards. Their standards does not make your way of making tea wrong. It just sets a default and reproducible cup for everyone to make.
The International Standard Cup of Tea
NSF International: Drinking Water Quality
There are several universities around the world that specialize in tea research. Some of the most well-known include:
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA): The UNCG has a Center for Applied Research in Tea and is dedicated to tea research in the areas of health, culture, and sustainability.
Huazhong Agricultural University (China): Huazhong Agricultural University has a Tea Science Institute that conducts research in the areas of tea breeding, tea processing, tea quality, and tea culture.
University of Shizuoka (Japan): The University of Shizuoka has a Faculty of Agriculture that includes a Department of Tea Science, which conducts research in the areas of tea production, processing, and quality.
University of Darjeeling (India): The University of Darjeeling has a Department of Tea Science and Technology that offers courses in tea science and conducts research in the areas of tea cultivation, processing, and marketing.
University of Colombo (Sri Lanka): The University of Colombo has a Department of Plant Sciences that conducts research in the areas of tea breeding, cultivation, and processing.
Anhui Agricultural University (China): Anhui Agricultural University has a Tea Research Institute that conducts research in the areas of tea breeding, cultivation, processing, and marketing.
The Oxford Companion to Food (3 ed.) | Alan Davidson
In 1592, during the reign of Elizabeth I, a decree was issued forbidding the sale of hot cross buns, except at burials, on Good Friday, or at Christmas.
Wishing everyone a peaceful #GoodFriday ✝️
— Katie Marshall (@KatieHistory) April 7, 2023
This hymn traces back to the 16th century; also known as “The Old Hundredth”. The hymn first appeared in the Anglo-Genevan Psalter, a collection of psalms and hymns used by English-speaking Protestant congregations in Geneva and later in England. The tune is credited to Louis Bourgeois, a French composer and music editor who collaborated on the Genevan Psalter. The psalter was influenced by the work of John Calvin and other Reformed theologians.
History of Western Civilization Told Through the Acoustics of its Worship Spaces
Speech Day generally refers to an annual event held at schools in the United Kingdom, particularly private or independent schools, where students showcase their achievements and receive prizes or awards. The exact date of “Speech Day” varies by school and is typically determined by the school’s academic calendar. It is usually held towards the end of the academic year, either in the summer term or in the early autumn term, before students break for the summer holidays.
Monday | April 29 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Tuesday | April 30 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Wednesday | May 1| Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Thursday | May 2 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Friday | May 3 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC
Saturday | May 4
Sunday | May 5
New update alert! The 2022 update to the Trademark Assignment Dataset is now available online. Find 1.29 million trademark assignments, involving 2.28 million unique trademark properties issued by the USPTO between March 1952 and January 2023:
— USPTO (@uspto) July 13, 2023
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