Tag Archives: Weekend


The Characters, or Manners of the Age

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WONY 90.9 FM

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Nursery Stock

“Children in the Garden” 1892 Gładysław Podkowiński

The purpose of the American Standard for Nursery Stock — ANSI Z60.1 — is to provide buyers and sellers of nursery stock with a common terminology in order to facilitate transactions involving nursery stock.  This standards establishes common techniques for

(a) measuring plants,

(b) specifying and stating the size of plants,

(c) determining the proper relationship between height and caliper, or height and width, and

(d) determining whether a root ball or container is large enough for a particular size plant.

This document — prepared under a grant to ANSI by AmericanHort — is a communication tool for the exchanges of products and services but does not provide buyers with any assurance of the health or quality of the nursery stock being specified or sold.  It does not cover labor resources.

The American Hort standards landing page is linked below:

American Nursery Stock Standards

CLICK HERE for the current edition of ANSI Z60.1 2014

The 2014 revision should be entering another revision cycle though the pandemic has slowed standards setting among many non-profits.  We encourage front-line staff to participate directly in the American Hort standards setting enterprise.  CLICK HERE for contact information.

We sweep through the status of best practice literature for anything related to exterior assets in education communities during our Bucolia colloquium.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [18-160]

Category:  Bucolia, Pathways

IoT Enabled Smart Gardening


John Stuart Mill had this to say about it: “The worst offense that can be committed by a polemic is to stigmatize those who hold a contrary opinion as bad and immoral men.”



Alcohol Drinking Guidelines

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Lawn & Garden Tools

“Le Parc Moncea” 1848  Gustave Caillebotte

The education industry in the United States is steward to large tranches of land assets; either through the Morrill Land Grant Act or municipal set-asides for public schools.  In terms of square footage, the spaces between buildings far exceeds the square footage of the built environment — and the locus of public interest and environmental regulation.   All of that square footage — usually measured in hundreds and thousands of hectares and acres — requires consideration of the competing interests of many stakeholders.

We display the accomplishments of employees devoted to the landscaping and gardening of educational organizations in a dedicated post:

Gardens and Arboretums

Landscape and garden assets have their own set of construction and maintenance tools, many of which are continually improved by global equipment manufacturers, and fall within the scope of Subcommittee 13 under parent Technical Committee 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry administered by the Association Française de Normalisation; the French national member body to the International Organization for Standardization.  


The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) is ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group administrator and the Global Secretariat for ISO TC/23/SC 13.  The work program for Subcommittee 13 is linked below:

ISO/TC 23/SC 13 / Powered lawn and garden equipment

Note product standards cover many equipment classes and accessories for engine powered lawn movers, snow blowers, gardening machinery and the like.

ANSI encourages relevant stakeholders to participate in discovering standardization solutions in a broad range of technologies and markets with like-minded experts in other national standards bodies.  The full sweep of ANSI’s participation in consensus documents developed by the ISO is described in the link below:

ISO Programs – Overview

We encourage our colleagues in exterior grounds and landscaping units in the education facility industry to participate directly as a User interest in the OPEI standards development process.   OPEI Standards Staff Contacts are listed on the OPEI Standards home page linked below:

Product Safety Standards Listing

We review the developmental status of consensus products that set the standard of care for equipment used to maintain pathways, lawns and gardens in education communities.   Automation of the maintenance of these spaces is gathering pace; reducing cost and risk.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [18-155]

Category: Facility Asset Management, Grounds and Landscaping, International

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben



Animal Farm

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