Tag Archives: Weekend


Bei Mir Bist Du Shein


No Smoking

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How to Wear A Kilt

Wool Throw Project

Wyoming’s climate and geography are well-suited for sheep farming and wool production. The state has vast expanses of grasslands and mountain ranges, providing ample grazing land for sheep. Additionally, Wyoming experiences cold winters and relatively dry conditions, which are favorable for sheep and help produce high-quality wool.

Animals 100

“The Valley of Wyoming” 1865 Jasper Cropsey





Streets of Laredo

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The “Groundhog Day” Effect

United States National Weather Service


Research Without Old Data and Old References


Background: The use of older data and references is becoming increasingly disfavored for publication. A myopic focus on newer research risks losing sight of important research questions already addressed by now-invisible older studies. This creates a ‘Groundhog Day’ effect as illustrated by the 1993 movie of this name in which the protagonist has to relive the same day (Groundhog Day) over and over and over within a world with no memory of it. This article examines the consequences of the recent preference for newer data and references in current publication practices and is intended to stimulate new consideration of the utility of selected older data and references for the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Methods: Examples from the literature are used to exemplify the value of older data and older references. To illustrate the recency of references published in original medical research articles in a selected sample of recent academic medical journals, original research articles were examined in recent issues in selected psychiatry, medicine, and surgery journals.

Results: The literature examined reflected this article’s initial assertion that journals are emphasizing the publication of research with newer data and more recent references.

Conclusions: The current valuation of newer data above older data fails to appreciate the fact that new data eventually become old, and that old data were once new. The bias demonstrated in arbitrary policies pertaining to older data and older references can be addressed by instituting comparable treatment of older and newer data and references.


ASTM International: Standard Practice for Calculating and Using Basic Statistics

Groundhog Day: Ancient Origins of a Modern Celebration (Library of Congress) 

IMSDb: “GroundHog Day” The Complete Script

Harvard Business Review: When the Groundhog Predicts an Early Spring, Investors Get Optimistic

Indiana University: Groundhog Day Probability in Perspective

Standards Pennsylvania





Mirrored Walls

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The Cow

The friendly cow all red and white,
I love with all my heart:
She gives me cream with all her might,
To eat with apple-tart.

She wanders lowing here and there,
And yet she cannot stray,
All in the pleasant open air,
The pleasant light of day;

And blown by all the winds that pass
And wet with all the showers,
She walks among the meadow grass
And eats the meadow flowers.

Robert Louis Stevenson


“De Jonge Stier” 1647 Paulus Potter

Dairy milk products remain a vital part of global food supply.  Since 1970 an ISO Technical Subcommittee —  ISO/TC 34/SC 5 Milk and milk products — seeks globally effective standardization solutions in the methods of analysis and sampling for milk and milk products, covering the dairy chain from primary production to consumption.   The business plan of its parent committee is linked below:


The Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut is the Global Secretariat for TC34/SC5.  Participating and Observing nations are shown on the map below:


The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is the US Technical Advisory Group Administrator to the parent TC34 committee but ANSI does not have a Technical Advisory Group leader.  As the U.S. member body to the ISO,  ANSI is always on the hunt for its members and/or relevant stakeholders to participate in discovering standardization solutions in a broad range of technologies and markets with like-minded experts in other national standards bodies.  The full sweep of ANSI’s participation in consensus documents developed by the ISO is described in the link below:

ISO Programs – Overview

This committee has functioned since 1970 — long enough for many of the best practice titles it produces to have stabilized.   There is other market action in the global dairy supply — notably the growth of non-dairy food supply — but we find no public consultations open on proposed standardization solutions as of this posting.  When they are released they will appear in the link below:

ISO Standards Under Development 

Ontario Veterinary College

Land grant colleges and universities are likely stakeholders in this domain.  Apart from the passion that young people have for fair trade in any market, we see this as an opportunity for faculty and students to gain insight into the geo-politics of food supply generally and the subtleties of coffee markets.   Business schools, agricultural colleges, international studies program developers who may be, and should be, interested in a leadership opportunity on behalf of the United States should communicate directly with ANSI’s ISO Team ((isot@ansi.org).

Sunday, Animal, Farm, Agri

We devote at least an hour every month breaking down public consultations on food safety and sustainability.   The work products of TC 34  appears on the standing agenda of both our Global and Food colloquia.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [19-46]

Category: Academic, Global

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer, Akkeneel Talsma





Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains

Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field that explores the study of mental processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, and language comprehension. Drawing from psychology, neuroscience, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy, cognitive science aims to understand how the mind works and processes information. Researchers investigate cognitive phenomena through empirical studies, computational models, and theoretical frameworks. By examining the complex interplay between the brain, behavior, and external stimuli, cognitive science seeks insights into human intelligence, problem-solving, decision-making, and consciousness.

The field contributes to advancements in artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and our understanding of the mind-brain relationship.

Comment: “This was my first experience of Luhrman, and I much appreciated her summary that the essence of consciousness lies in our relationship with external ‘others’, which seems to fit well with Sheldrake’s emphasis on the interconnectedness of self-organising systems and also Anil’s refutation of the idea the brain is ‘merely’ an information-processing system. However, I found the discussion on information-processing moved on a bit too quickly and dismissively; there is much explanatory power in Karl Friston’s work that seems to me to have great value, even though I agree that information processing is not the whole story. Malone did a fabulous job of holding the space for a creative tension in the debate, and it was a pleasure to experience his style of inquiry again (I hope he will be making another of his wonderful films soon).

My own curiosity has settled recently on the related and emerging area of inquiry labeled as “enactive cognition” and it would be wonderful to see a future debate bringing these ideas into tension with those of enactivists like Di Paolo and Thompson, plus phenomenological insights from the likes of Maclaren and Callard. I share Anil’s frustration with Silicon Valley’s pursuit of technology such as AI regardless of the ethics, also seemingly with scant regard for the dangers of their move-fast-and-break-things approach.

On a positive note, my limited exposure to the AI community at least comforts me that they are an extremely curious and deep-thinking community. The problem, it seems to me, is the lack of transparency on the part of tech firms that don’t share their research data with public academics; more patient science is needed to inform the work of these clever engineers and developers. My fear is not of the technology so much as its financial backers, and the profit- and power-oriented goals that most tech leaders are pursuing. For all the early talk of not wanting to repeat the mistakes of social media platforms, some vocal segments of AI culture seem to have confabulated their way towards justifying any innovation on the grounds of its ‘great potential’ for humanity – here we go again...” — @neurojitsu


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