Workspace IEEE 1366: Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices

Workspace for references, bibliography and data for updating the data tables in the Appendices of 493. (the 2007 Gold Book)


Updated March 4, 2025

The Columbian Exposition from Tesla (Click image to start video)

“The purpose of this guide is twofold. First, it is to present a set of terms and definitions which can be used to foster uniformity in the development of distribution service reliability indices, to identify factors which affect the indices, and to aid in consistent reporting practices among utilities. Secondly, it is to provide guidance for new personnel in the reliability area and to provide tools for internal as well as external comparisons. In the past, other groups have defined reliability indices for transmission, generation, and distribution but some of the definitions already in use are not specific enough to be wholly adopted for distribution.

Users of this guide should recognize that not all utilities would have the data available to calculate all the indices.

Bob Arno present updated at the October IAS/ECCE Meetings in Phoenix .  Minutes of that meeting will be posted soon, 

References & Bibliography

Root Project

Current Status

1366-2022 – IEEE Guide for Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices

IEEE 493-2007 Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (Update PAR Approved.  See Robert G. Arno)

Review of Power System Reliability Indices for Renewable Energy Environments

Impact of Integrating DERs and ESS on Smart-Grid Supply Continuity

NARUC 2003: Measuring Performance Of Electric Power Distribution Systems – IEEE Std. 1366-2003

NREL: Measuring and Valuing Resilience: A Literature Review for the Power Sector

Berkeley Lab: Causes and Impacts of Grid Outages, Metrics for Measuring Resilience, and Valuing and Prioritizing Strategies

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction: Power Outage/ or Blackout

FERC Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements

NARUC: The Value of Resilience for Distributed Energy Resources: An Overview of Current Analytical Practices

Michigan’s Electrical Standards

Electrical Resource Adequacy

IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Electrotechnology


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