Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae (1595) / Heinrich Khunrath
“The Alchemists Laboratory”*
Updated 31 October 2019
ASTM International offers a limited number of $500 project grants to university students to help with their Capstone/student design projects. Complete details, eligibility, and requirements for this grant can be found on the ASTM website:
ASTM International Student Project Grants.
Application deadline is Oct 31st
Grant applications and any questions should be directed to Travis Murdock, Manager, Technical Committee Operations, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, USA, TEL: +1.610.832.9826, ([email protected])
*Source: “…The work is infused with a strange combination of Christianity and magic, illustrated with elaborate, hand-colored, engraved plates heightened with gold and silver. The tension between spirituality and experiment, and the rich symbolism of Khunrath’s writings and their engravings brought condemnation of the book by the Sorbonne in 1625, and now attracts attention from scholars…”