Commercial & Food Service Water Treatment Equipment


Commercial & Food Service Water Treatment Equipment

February 14, 2020

“The Dining Room Table” | Frank Weston Benson

We follow the development trajectory of the IAPMO Group’s suite of standards because of IAPMO’s tenure in water safety codes and standards in the United States.   IAPMO co-develops selected consensus documents with the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP).   The landing pages for  the IAPMO and ASSP  onsensus product development enterprises are linked below:

IAPMO Standards Development

ASSE Standards Development

Because the education facility industry is steward to 100’s of thousands of food preparation enterprises we track leading practice in the technical standards for water systems that support safety in the food services that are essential to education industry food preparation enterprises: ASSE 1087‐2018 Performance Requirements for Commercial and Food Service Water Treatment Equipment Utilizing Drinking Water.

From the ASSE 1087 prospectus:

Commercial water treatment equipment is used in point-of-entry and point-of-use applications connected to building plumbing to improve the water-quality characteristics of potable water. This standard includes testing requirements for components and complete systems. Electrical compliance is not covered by the standard. Plumbed water treatment units include any device or component, point-of-entry and point-of-use that is used in building to improve the quality of the water. This standard covers all water-treatment products that are connected to the building’s plumbing system for potable water. This standard is not intended to cover water-treatment products used for process water or wastewater applications. Examples of water-treatment equipment include: Deionization, Filters, Softeners, Physical Devices, Reverse Osmosis, UV, Ozone, and Distillation. Tests verifying claims regarding changes to water chemistry, microbiology, and aesthetics (i.e., smell, taste, appearance, etc.) are not included in this standard. Devices may claim such performance via other standards or test protocols.

Large research universities with district energy systems will supply high temperature potable water to healthcare facilities for centralized steam sanitation, to housing facilities for food preparation and bathing.   Some systems are local to a single facility or a group of facilities.

George Mason University

While the public commenting opportunities for the 2018 release of this particular standard is now closed; the project administrators typically collect public input across the full 3 to 5 year time frame in which the current standard is active.  We link the public review copy below but keep in mind that it has been superseded:

Performance Requirements for Commercial and Food Service Water Treatment Equipment Utilizing Drinking Water

For information about how to obtain the completed document or how to participate on this or any other ASSP technical committee you may contact ASSE directly: CLICK HERE.  Additionally,  we host periodic Water Management and Food Safety standards teleconference during which time to sweep through the rapidly expanding constellation of water management documents relevant to our industry and others.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the upper right of our home page.

Issue: [16-136]

Category: Water Management

Colleagues: Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel


ASSE Joins IAPMO as International Chapter 

ASSE Expands Services to the Drinking Water-Conditioning and Treatment Industry



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