Readings / Power cable ampacities

Significant changes to (Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials) of the National Electrical Code have been made for the (current) 2020 revision


Readings / Power cable ampacities

December 17, 2019



Power cable ampacities

J. H. Neher – F. H. Duller – R. W. Burrell – W. A. Del Mar – M. H. McGrath – E. J. Merrell – H. A. Schumacher – R. J. Wiseman
AIEE-IPCEA Task Group on Power Cable Ampacities


The Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association published in 1943 the original edition of “Current Carrying Capacity of Impregnated-Paper, Rubber and Varnished Cambric Insulated Cables.”    The tables in this book were based on the best American practice at the time they were published and, as the title implies, were quite extensive in their scope. They served the industry well from the time of their publication to the present.



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