Happening Now: I-Code Public Comment Webcast


Happening Now: I-Code Public Comment Webcast

October 30, 2019

Starting at 12 PM Pacific Time in the United States today the International Code Council continues its Public Comment Hearings on its Group B consensus products.  The agenda for these hearings — which will be hosted through October 30 — is linked below:

2019 PUBLIC COMMENT HEARING SCHEDULE October 23 – 30, 2019 Rio Hotel and Convention Center Las Vegas, NV

Click on the image below to join the webcast:

The Group B Hearings from Las Vegas will be webcast. Click here to access the link

We have been following proposals that affect #TotalCostofOwnership of education facilities since the beginning of the Group B revision cycle.  Here is the link to the monograph that sets the agenda for the Group B Hearings:  It is a large document — 2919 pages — so allow it a minute or two to generate access:.

2019 Group B Proposed Changes

  A short list of concepts that we have been following is listed below:

  1. Education facilities as storm shelters
  2. Enhanced classroom acoustics
  3. Carbon monoxide detection in Group E occupancies
  4. Locking arrangements in educational occupancies
  5. Interior lighting power allowances for classrooms
  6. Occupancy sensors for classrooms
  7. Automatic control of receptacle power in classrooms and laboratories
  8. Expansion of voltage drop requirements into customer-owned service conductors

There are others which we cover during our monthly I-Codes teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Real asset managers for school districts, colleges, universities and technical schools in the Las Vegas region should take advantage of the opportunity to observe the ICC code-development process.   The ICC Code Development Process is one of the best in the land, and the webcasts are appreciated, the experience of seeing how building codes are determined is enlightening when you can watch it live and on site.   It is not too late for our colleagues in the Las Vegas region to register for the conference.

ICC Annual Conference Registration


Hoover Dam at Dusk / Nevada

Issue: [16-169]

Category: Architectural, Facility Asset Management, Space Planning

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Jack Janveja, Richard Robben




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