Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes


Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes

October 2, 2016
[email protected]


The State of Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes is currently being reorganized. Two new divisions — Licensing/Complaints and Administrative Services — have been created as part of the Bureau reorganization.  This has complicated our Advocacy Project 14-1 but some of the results have been seeking in that project — launched as our top priority in 2014 — are emerging from the State Budget Office of Regulatory Reinvention.

Four State of Michigan Building Code Divisions were scheduled to meet in July but only two will; most likely because of the reorganization.   We summarize July activity below:

July 6th | Construction Code Commission (Meeting Cancelled).   A selection of issues on its docket:

SB 577 – Amend Public Act 230 to exempt fire alarm shop drawings from the requirement of professional services.

HB 5121 – Amend Public Act 230 to require placards on light frame construction buildings other than one and two family dwellings

HB 5123 – Amend Public Act 230 to require Arc fault interrupters in all branch circuits in the one and two family residences.

July 10th | Plumbing Board (Meeting Cancelled).  A selection of issues remaining on its docket:

Deletion of practical copper portion for the journey plumber examination.

HB 5714 – Separation of the master plumber and plumbing contractor renewal fees.

The 2015 Michigan Plumbing Code is expected to be adopted February 2017

July 15th | Barrier Free Design Board.   A selection of issues on its docket:

The last meeting was July 17, 2015 (click here)

Agenda for this month’s meeting (click here)

July 22nd | Elevator Safety Board.   A selection of issues on its docket:

David and Terri Flint (University of Michigan) are a regular presence at these meetings

No agenda posted for the July 22nd meeting.


We will place these issues on the agenda of the January 4, 2017 Open Door teleconference, 11:90 – 11:30 AM Eastern Time.  Anyone is welcomed to join this teleconference with the login information available in the link below:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
United States : +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 718-914-669



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