The Bible as “Killer App” for Literacy

Some academic research that explores the concept of the Bible as a "killer app" for literacy. The term "killer app" is used in the field of technology to describe an application or program that is so useful or compelling that it drives widespread adoption of a particular technology.


The Bible as “Killer App” for Literacy

April 7, 2023


“The Bible as Killer App: Reading Scripture in the Digital Age”

Timothy Beal, Case Western University Department of Religious Studies

The Bible was originally written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. The Old Testament was mostly written in Hebrew with some portions in Aramaic, while the New Testament was written in Greek.  Its influence on mathematics and physics shaped the modern world.  

One of the earliest examples of its influence on science can be seen in the work of the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, whose “Elements” is one of the most important works in the history of mathematics. Euclid’s work was heavily influenced by the Pythagorean school of thought, which had strong ties to the Greek religious traditions of the time.

In the Middle Ages, Christian scholars such as Thomas Aquinas and Roger Bacon began to apply mathematical principles to theology, which helped to establish a new tradition of inquiry that became known as Scholasticism. This tradition, which emphasized the use of reason and logic to explore theological questions, had a profound impact on the development of mathematics and science in Western Europe.

During the Renaissance, Christian thinkers such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler made important advances in mathematics and astronomy, which were driven in part by their desire to understand the nature of God’s creation. Copernicus’s heliocentric model of the solar system, for example, was based on mathematical calculations that were informed by his theological beliefs.

In more recent times, Christian mathematicians have continued to make significant contributions to the field. For example, the 19th-century mathematician George Boole, who was a devout Anglican, developed a new system of algebra that laid the groundwork for the development of computer science.


  1. “The Bible and Literacy: How the Bible Shaped Western Civilization” by Richard G. Olson – This article discusses the impact of the Bible on the development of literacy and education in Western societies. It argues that the Bible has played a central role in the rise of literacy and the spread of knowledge, and has also been a catalyst for social and political change.
  2. “The Bible: The Killer App of Early Christianity” by Larry W. Hurtado. This article, published in the journal Expository Times in 2009, argues that the Bible was a key factor in the spread and growth of Christianity in the early centuries of the religion. According to Hurtado, the Bible served as a unifying force for early Christian communities, and its availability in various translations helped to promote the spread of Christianity across different cultures and languages.
  3. “The Bible and Its Influence on Western Culture” edited by David L. Jeffrey. This book, published in 2010, contains essays by various scholars exploring the impact of the Bible on Western culture. Several of the essays touch on the idea of the Bible as a “killer app” for Christianity, arguing that its availability and accessibility have been key factors in its enduring influence.
  4. “The Bible and Literacy in the West” by Timothy Larsen – This article examines the role of the Bible in promoting literacy and education throughout history, particularly in the West. It argues that the Bible was a key factor in the rise of literacy and the spread of knowledge during the Middle Ages and beyond.
  5. “The Bible and Literacy in Modern History” by Mark Noll – This essay explores the impact of the Bible on literacy and education in the modern era, from the 18th century to the present day. It argues that the Bible has played a significant role in the development of education and literacy in Western societies, and has also been instrumental in promoting social justice and human rights.
  6. “The Bible and Education” by F. Ernest Johnson – This book examines the influence of the Bible on education throughout history, from ancient times to the present day. It discusses how the Bible has been used as a textbook and a basis for moral and ethical instruction, and how it has influenced the development of education and literacy in Western societies.
  7. “The Bible and the Development of Literacy” by Keith A. Burton – This paper examines the role of the Bible in the development of literacy throughout history. It argues that the Bible has been a powerful force in promoting literacy and education, and has helped to shape the cultural and intellectual development of Western societies.



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