Why You Need Standards

Standards setting is an insider's game.  (Just sayin') For all practical purposes the general public is locked out of the technical standards setting process. Companies invest heavily to influence the direction of standards setting to their economic advantage. NIST tries to level the playing field but, alas, the concepts are typically too difficult technically. Arguably, the general public has more influence in standards setting with its purchasing decisions, not altogether unrelated to market acceptance in local culture.


Why You Need Standards

August 29, 2024
[email protected]

Department of Justice Antitrust Case Filings

When we talk about standards in our personal lives, we might think about the quality we expect in things such as restaurants and first dates. But the standards that exist in science and technology have an even greater impact on our lives. Technical standards keep us safe, enable technology to advance, and help businesses succeed. They quietly make the modern world tick and prevent technological problems that you might not realize could even happen…”

Technical Requirements for Weighing & Measuring Devices

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