Accreditation 100


Accreditation 100

January 27, 2025
[email protected]

“I have no special talent.
I am only passionately curious”
— Albert Einstein

Early 20th-century fresco depicting guilds in the 13th-century New Tower of Sélestat

Standards are the seed corn for compliance revenue; hence the hegemony of conformance and enforcement enterprises that dominate the global standards system.

Accreditation is a relatively recent breakout topic so we approach it gently; respectful of the business models of the hundreds of education community charitable associations involved in the safety and sustainability of the physical spaces of education communities.

Accreditation 100 tracks facility management credentialing:

Ferris State University | Certificate Program in Facility Management

University of San Diego | Facilities Management Program

Arizona State University | Facility Management Certificate Program

Later in 2024 we will sort through other issues in the credentialing domain:

Accreditation 200: Recent innovations in credentialing

Q. There are about 150 hospitals in the USA with the word “university” in their name.  Are they tax-exempt?  Should they be?  A.  Whether a hospital with “university” in its name is tax-exempt depends on various factors, including its ownership, structure, and purpose. Non-profit hospitals, including those affiliated with universities, may qualify for tax-exempt status under certain conditions. However, the mere presence of “university” in the name does not automatically confer tax-exempt status.  Tax-exempt status, the hospital’s activities, such as providing charity care, medical education, and research, are typically considered.

Accreditation 300: Requirements for baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degrees

Accreditation 400: Advanced Topics

Open to everyone.  Use the login credentials at the top of our home page.

Syllabus: Accreditation 100


“Student Retention at the Community College: Meeting Students’ Needs” | University of Delware Fall 2006 | Jill Jacobs-Biden

“Princeton-Educated Black and the Black Community” | Princeton University | Michelle LaVaughn Robinson

“Employment, Output and Capital Accumulation in an Open Economy: A Disequilibrium Approach” | Yale University | Janet Louise Yellen


Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are. - George Santayana

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