Rainwater Catchment Systems 400


Rainwater Catchment Systems 400

September 10, 2020
[email protected]

“Hanging Gardens of Babylon”

Earlier this year American Society of Plumbing Engineers released public review draft of its consensus product — ASPE 63 Rainwater Catchment Systems.   The scope of this standard covers requirements for the design and installation of rainwater catchment systems that utilize the principle of collecting and using precipitation from a rooftop and other hard, impervious building surfaces. This standard does not apply to the collection of rainwater from vehicular parking or other similar surfaces.

Click on the link below to view the redline regarding U.S. EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers or to NSF Protocol P231.

ANSI Standards Action Page 62

That is all we see from ASPE on this and other standards; most likely owing to the pandemic.   ASPE typically posts its redlines in ANSI Standards Action and on the landing page for its standards development enterprise:

ASPE Standards Development

Note that many of its products are co-developed with NSF International, IAPMO and the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association, among others.  It is noteworthy that ASPE provides a detailed description of the User Interest; which enlightens understanding of the lamentable presence of the User Interest, thus the raison d’être of Standards Michigan.

University of Warsaw Rooftop Rain Garden

We place the ASPE suite on the standing agenda of our monthly Water teleconferences.  See our CALENDAR about when and how to log in; always open to everyone.

Issue: [13-61]

Category: Water, Mechanical

Colleagues: Jack Janveja, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel


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