Construction Site Safety

We encourage user-interests in the education facilities industry (unit facility managers, and not necessarily risk management and conformity experts) to participate directly in the ASSE consensus process.  As we have explained throughout this site, conformity and compliance interests dominate the discussion and, when unchecked, will run to excess.


Construction Site Safety

May 9, 2019

Construction d’une Barricade au Faubourg Saint-Antoine

The American Society of Safety Professionals is an ANSI-accredited standards developer for a suite of workplace safety standards that meet, and in many cases, exceed the minimum requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.   We find them referenced in state adaptations of the OSHA legislation.  The entry point to its standards development enterprise is linked below:

ASSP Standards Home

The American Society of Safety Professionals is updating three of its construction-related standards:

ASSP A10.33 Safety & Health Program Requirements for Multi-Employer Projects.   This standard sets forth the minimum elements and activities of a program that defines the duties and responsibilities of construction employers working on a construction project where multiple employers are engaged in the common undertaking to complete a construction project.

There are thousands of construction management enterprises in the US education industry that deal with contractor and subcontractor liability regimes so this standard should interest them.   We encourage user-interests in the education facilities industry to participate directly in the ASSE consensus process.

Comments on this project were due March 4th.   We are waiting for technical committee responses to be posted for further public comment.  We will post them here.  Until that time we encourage safety officers in the education facility industry to communicate directly with ASSE: the American Society of Safety Professionals, 520 N. Northwest Highway Park Ridge, IL 60068. Office: (847) 296-9221.   Contact: Tim Fisher.

We will place this on the agenda of our next monthly Risk Management standards teleconference; open to everyone.  See our CALENDAR.

Issue: [19-40]

Category: Risk Management, Public Safety

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben

* The American Society of Safety Engineers recently re-branded itself as the American Society of Safety Professionals.

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