workforce needs of the telecommunications industry.


workforce needs of the telecommunications industry.

January 15, 2021
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H.R. 2672 NCAA Act

January 15, 2021
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Photo by Architect of the Capitol | Left: The teacher and children in a “little red schoolhouse” represent an important part of American education in the 1800s.
Right: Students attend a land grant college, symbolic of the national commitment to higher learning.

To amend section 487(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide increased accountability of nonprofit athletic associations and to establish a commission to identify and examine issues of national concern related to the conduct of intercollegiate athletics, and for other purposes.

S. 2040 Electric Transportation Commission & National Strategy Act

January 12, 2021
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

A BILL: To establish a working group on electric vehicles, and for other purposes.


S. 1742 Distributed Energy Demonstration Act of 2019

January 12, 2021

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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

A BILL: To direct the Secretary of Energy to establish certain demonstration grant programs relating to the demonstration of advanced distribution systems, smart water heaters, vehicle-to-grid integration, and granular retail electricity pricing, and for other purposes.

Readings / Energy Storage System Guide

January 12, 2021

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Introduction.  This Compliance Guide (CG) covers the design and construction of stationary energy storage systems (ESS), their component parts and the siting, installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, and repair/renovation of ESS within the built environment with evaluations of those ESSs against voluntary sector standards and model codes that have been published and adopted as of the publication date of this CG. The fundamental premise behind the development of the CG is that technology generally evolves and is deployed before development and adoption of codes and standards that specifically and prescriptively provide criteria that can be used to assess the acceptability of the technology. Until codes and standards are available that provide such criteria, those seeking to document or verify that what is proposed complies with those codes and standards must do so on the basis of equivalent performance; that is, they must show that what they are proposing, while not specifically covered by the criteria, is neither no more hazardous nor less safe than a similar technology that is covered by the criteria.


H.R. 29 Defund National Endowment for the Humanities Act of 2021

January 12, 2021
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117th Congress Swearing In Floor Proceedings – January 3, 2021, House Chamber

A BILL: To provide that none of the funds made available to the National Endowment for the Humanities for any fiscal year may be used to carry out section 7 of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965.

H.R. 3531 Resilient Communities Act of 2019

January 11, 2021
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to allow the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide capitalization grants to States to establish revolving funds to provide assistance to reduce the harmful impacts to people and property from multiple hazards, and for other purposes.

S. 3512 Authority for regulating laboratory-developed testing procedures

January 11, 2021

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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on March 17, 2020. It will typically be considered by committee next before it is possibly sent on to the House or Senate as a whole.

Workspace / BOMA

January 8, 2021
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S. 2609 Universal School Meals Act

January 8, 2021
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Photo by Architect of the Capitol | Left: The teacher and children in a “little red schoolhouse” represent an important part of American education in the 1800s.
Right: Students attend a land grant college, symbolic of the national commitment to higher learning.

To amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 and the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to make breakfasts and lunches free for all children, and for other purposes.

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