Denver Public Schools


H.R. 1479 / BTU Act of 2019

October 21, 2020
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434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs

October 21, 2020
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S. 4865 Full-Service Community School Expansion Act

October 21, 2020
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Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials

October 21, 2020
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S. 1750 Clean School Bus Grant Program

October 19, 2020
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Photo by Architect of the Capitol | Left: The teacher and children in a “little red schoolhouse” represent an important part of American education in the 1800s.
Right: Students attend a land grant college, symbolic of the national commitment to higher learning.

A BILL To establish a working group on electric vehicles, and for other purposes.


Active Shooter & Hostile Event Response Program

October 19, 2020

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We have been following the fast-tracked development of NFPA 3000 Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program since its launch.  We have contributed to it and we have catalyzed education industry trade associations to rally their membership to participate.   Keep in mind that there are several other non-profit trade associations moving into this space; each of them assembling experts and preparing curricula to drive conformity, compliance and training revenue.   Nothing necessarily wrong with this except that the active shooter risk aggregation is highly “siloed” and setting the standard of care is, well, highly-siloed.

Click on the link below to sample the ideas running through proposed revisions to the next edition:

NFPA 3000 Second Draft Report

NFPA 3000 First Ballot Final

NFPA 3000 Second Draft Ballot Final

Notice the wordsmithing, the internal coordination and administration, and the referencing to existing and new consensus products emerging in this space.

Similar to the condition in the energy sector in which the federal government has to effectively “clear the market” of redundancy and destructive competition among market participants (i.e. trade associations),  we may find that some form of federal legislation may be required.  As we explain in our post on the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act that there lies a risk of damping normal, healthy “animal spirit” competition among trade associations.

All that said, NFPA consensus products are very familiar to the public safety culture in local and state governments so it is wise to keep pace; if not lead when necessary.   Note that NFPA 3000 is a trademarked consensus product; tantamount to becoming a “code” that can be incorporated by reference into public safety laws at all levels of government.

Principal and Alternate Votes on the NFPA Technical Committee from educational institutions: Harvard School of Public Health,  Auburn University,  Missouri State University, University of Connecticut and Vanderbilt University.  None of them are casting User-interest votes according to the NFPA Classification of Committee Members.  In other words,  no representative of an entity that is subject to the provisions of the standard or that voluntarily uses the standard — such as a student or a teacher — has a vote on this committee.   They will depend upon the standard of care set by other interest categories.  See our ABOUT to understand why this is.  

The next several milestones in the NFPA 3000 development are listed below:

Normally, NITMAMs are heard at the NFPA Annual Conference and Expo.  It is likely that the NFPA Standards Council will release NFPA 3000 for use by regulating agencies in lieu of the meeting that would have taken place in June.  (CLICK HERE for information about cancellation of the NFPA Annual Conference)

We keep NFPA 3000, along with other emergent school security standards, on the agenda with our Security, Risk and Pathway teleconference  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue [18-15]

Category: Public Safety, Risk Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Richard Robben


IN FORCE911 WhitePaper

U.S. Department of Homeland Security / Active Shooter: How to Respond


School Security Standards

While Riding By on Horseback

October 18, 2020
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Who Is the User-Interest?

October 16, 2020
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University of Michigan 1855

We are not a non-profit.

We are not a blog.

We are not a proxy for incumbents.

We are not standards evangelizers .

We are not “Oracle of Change” trendsniffers.

We do not claim to be an opinion aggregator

We get results.

Visit us  across from the University of Michigan campus. 


The Standards Michigan logo  — designed about ten years ago during the 25-year tenure of the original University of Michigan standards advocacy enterprise –reflects the three interest groups in the global standards system generally, and the United States specifically.  The design was inspired from experience advocating safety and sustainability concepts in the National Electrical Code and coming to understand that the National Fire Protection Association — which was then, and remains so — the most rigorous standards setting organization in the United States, was having difficulty meeting the ANSI balance requirements [§2.3].  If NFPA was having trouble getting users to participate, what was it like for other ANSI accredited standards setting organizations?

At the University of Michigan Ross School of Business,  Joe Bhatia, Chairman of the American National Standards Institute drove home the point to the education industry which is the foundation of all industries in every nation:

Archive / UM Welcomes ANSI 2014

Still, the private standards system, a relatively small part of the global standards system generally, is still better than having leading practice determined by politicians, their staffs, their contractors and their donors.

Touchy subject.

Join us today when we look at one or two technical committee rosters — and where in the world their meetings are held and how often.  If there is time, we will review the balloting patterns on one or two technical topics which have significantly contributed to making education communities safer, simpler, lower-c0st and longer lasting.  When you do that for education communities; you are effectively doing it for all other industries.

*We time-stamped the hashtag #WiseCampus on Twitter about 3 years ago; knowing that the half-life of buzzwords needed by education industry trade associations to drive conference revenue has grown shorter.   The pandemic is enough of a singularity that we are inspired us to be more visible with it in our Twitter feed.

Workspace / NFSI

October 16, 2020
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