S. 1254: Stop for School Buses Act of 2019


S. 1254: Stop for School Buses Act of 2019

August 24, 2020
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S. 1254: Stop for School Buses Act of 2019

A bill to require the Secretary of Transportation to review and report on certain laws, safety measures, and technologies relating to the illegal passing of school buses, and for other purposes.

Sizing of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems

August 23, 2020

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This recommended practice provides a procedure to size a stand-alone photovoltaic system. Systems considered in this document consist of PV as the only power source and a battery for energy storage. These systems also commonly employ controls to protect the battery from being over- or undercharged, and may employ a power conversion subsystem (inverter or converter). The issues of array utilization, battery-charge efficiency, and system losses are also considered in terms of their effect on system sizing. This recommended practice is applicable to all stand-alone PV systems where PV is the only charging source. This document does not include PV hybrid systems nor grid-connected systems. The hybrid systems referred to in the preceding sentence are off-grid but have multiple energy sources such as diesel generator, solar PV, and wind. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with IEEE Std 1013-2019 Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems. This recommended practice does not include the sizing of the system controller, inverter, wiring, or other system components.






August 20, 2020
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Electric Vehicle Energy Management

August 18, 2020
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Edison electric vehicle | National Park Service, US Department of the Interior

The Canadian counterpart to the American National Standards Institute provides a platform for public comment on its consensus products:

CSA Group Draft Review

The platform provides an intuitive way into a draft standard and a way to comment upon it.

Today we take note of a product farther up the pipeline regarding electric vehicles.  Earlier this year the CSA Group (CSA America Standards Inc.) has given public notice of its intent to develop a new standard to be titled: CSA C22.2 Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems.  From the ANSI New Project Initiation Notification announcement:

Project Need: CSA Group has been approached by the industry to develop standards and technical requirements for the deployment and safe operations of EVEMS within the Canadian regulatory structure and utility requirements. This project is intended to address this need and the existing gap in the standards required for the operation of EVEMS.

Stakeholders: Regulators, manufacturers, utilities, and industry associations.

With the rapidly growing penetration of Electric Vehicles (EVs), there is an increased demand to develop technology to support the efficient and safe charging of the vehicles with less impacts on the current electrical distribution infrastructure during peak charging times. In addition to managing the demand for electricity, EVs can become energy storage devices for the grid. This possibility raises the need to view EVs and related charging equipment as an Electric Vehicle Energy Management System (EVEMS). An EVEMS is a means of controlling electric vehicle supply equipment loads comprised of any of the following: a monitor(s), communications equipment, a controller(s), a timer(s) and other applicable device(s). Today there is no clear standard or guideline to help define the safe operations of an EVEMS although individual standards exist for some of the components within the EVEMS.

The announcement was filed in February 2019.   CSA Group has only filed formal notification required in ANSI’s due process requirements*.   

The project is on our watch list.  Many research universities are on the receiving end of electric vehicle research projects and also have large campus transportation fleets that are converting to electric vehicles.   Should any public review drafts be released we typically coordinate our response with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which meets online 4 times monthly.

CSA Group consensus products are also on the standing agenda of our periodic Global teleconferences; open to everyone.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

University of Ottawa

Issue: [19-60]

Category: Administration & Management, Electrical, Energy, Facility Asset Management, International, Transportation & Parking, #SmartCampus

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Lorne Clark, Nehad El Sherif, Jim Harvey, Abra O’Leary

Source: ANSI Standards Action


Standards Wisconsin Workspace

August 16, 2020
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Global Supply Chain Mathematics

August 16, 2020

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Olin School of Business | Washington University


A Mathematical Programming Model to Global Supply Chain Management:
Conceptual Approach and Managerial Insights

Panos Kouvelis and Meir J. Rosenblatt

John M. Olin School of Business | Washington University

ABSTRACT: In this paper, we study the design of global facility networks. We present a mixed integer programming model that captures essential design tradeoffs of such networks and explicitly incorporates government subsidies trade tariffs and taxation issues. The resulting formulation can be solved for reasonable size problems with commercially available mathematical programming software. Focusing on special cases of the problem enables us to provide useful insights on preferable international facility networks for various environments. We demonstrate the pervasive, and often dominating, effects of subsidized financing, tariffs, regional trade rules, and taxation in shaping the manufacturing and distribution network of
global firms.:

Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance

August 15, 2020

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Planning and Design of the Microgrid

August 15, 2020
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Life Safety Code / Healthcare Facilities

August 14, 2020
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STEM Education / October 19

August 13, 2020
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