Category Archives: Fashion Design


Fashion Technology

Art presents a different way of looking at things than science; 

one which preserves the mystery of things without undoing the mystery.

Sir Roger Scruton


Garment Industry Standards

Gallery: School Uniforms


Art, Design & Fashion Studios

What California College Students are Wearing

“Everything which is in any way beautiful is beautiful in itself….
That which is really beautiful has no need of anything”…
— Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)



Evaluating devices to reduce microfiber emissions from washing machines

10 Tampa Bay

What Are People Wearing?

“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today,

when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.”

Miuccia Prada

May Ball

University of Cambridge Estates Division

Dresdner Stadtfest

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Fashion Museum


Standards Ohio

Orderly Fashion: A Sociology of Markets

Selected reviews:

“Patrik Aspers shines a bright light on how markets come to seem orderly to producers and consumers, so they can strive to enact the script of rational actors. His astute and subtle account of all aspects of branded garment retailing sets a high bar for future studies of industry.”―Mark Granovetter, Stanford University

“This fine book makes an original contribution to our understanding of fashion, markets, and social theory. While there do exist books on each of these topics, none of them tie everything together in such a convincing manner. Orderly Fashion is a fine merger of Aspers’ substantive theoretical research interests, and is his best work so far.”―Richard Swedberg, author of Principles of Economic Sociology

“This book delivers on a huge promise to advance our knowledge of both order and markets through sociological concepts and insights. The book demonstrates with lucid reasoning why order in markets is best understood through the social construction of meaning. An impressive accomplishment.”―Shyon Baumann, University of Toronto

At the barbershop, it’s OK not to be OK

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