Category Archives: Fashion Design


Gallery: School Uniforms

Traditionally favored by private and parochial institutions, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. According to a 2020 report, the percentage of public schools that required school uniforms jumped from 12% in the 1999-2000 school year to 20% in the 2017-18 school year. School uniforms were most frequently required by elementary schools (23%), followed by middle (18%), and high schools (10%). (Encyclopedia Britannica)


School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety.
School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes.
School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying.
Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit.
School uniforms may improve attendance and discipline.
Uniform policies save valuable class time because they are easier to enforce than a standard dress code.
School uniforms prevent the display of gang colors and insignia.
School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality.
School uniforms can save parents money.
Most parents and educators support mandatory school uniforms.
Students’ legal right to free expression remains intact even with mandatory school uniforms.
Students dressed in uniform are better perceived by teachers and peers.
Students can express their individuality in school uniforms by introducing variations and adding accessories.



School uniforms restrict students’ freedom of expression.
School uniforms promote conformity over individuality.
School uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks.
School uniforms do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or exam results.
The key findings used to tout the benefits of uniforms are questionable.
School uniforms emphasize the socio-economic divisions they are supposed to eliminate.
Students oppose school uniforms.
Uniforms may have a detrimental effect on students’ self-image.
Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education.
The push for school uniforms is driven by commercial interests rather than educational ones.
Parents should be free to choose their children’s clothes without government interference.
School uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families.
School uniforms may delay the transition into adulthood.

Northville (Michigan) Christian School Dress Code

Parkway Christian School Dress Code | Sterling Heights Michigan



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The Kilt 

How to Wear A Kilt


Dresdner Stadtfest

Textiles & Fashion

Founded in 1992 the Dresden University of Applied Sciences offers a range of programs focused on practical and applied sciences, aiming to provide students skills directly applicable to their careers.  It provides an accredited course of study in “Fashion Design and Textile Design” that imparts creative and technical skills necessary for the fashion and textile industries which – by some criteria –are the third largest industry after energy and agriculture.


Lorem ipsum


List of Technical Committees

“The Dressmaking Factory” 1881 Charles Ginnar

“Dwell on the beauty of life.

Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The consumer discretionary sector is among the largest economic sectors in every nation.   Consumer Discretionary is the term given to goods and services that are considered non-essential by consumers, but desirable if their available income is sufficient to purchase them.  Consumer discretionary goods include durable goods, apparel, entertainment and leisure, and automobiles.  The International Organization for Standardization administers leading practice discovery and promulgation of the standards in a core component of durable goods industry — textiles – through its Technical Committee 38.

We find continued student interest in these technologies so attention to the elevated hazards in research, instructional and display spaces require attention.   We recognize that not every student is interested in cleaning neural network data sets or learning Tensor Flow but wants to devote their energy to making the world a better place by making the world a more beautiful place.

From the ISO/TC 38 prospectus:


“…Textiles are one of the most important and versatile commodities in the global economy. The textile industries involve provision of raw materials, preparation of fiber production, manufacture of yarns and fibres, manufacture of fabric formation, finishing processing including bleaching, dyeing, printing, coating, special chemical treatments, transformation of the fabric into clothing, upholstery, or industrial/technical textiles, and rope and netting formation. Therefore, the textile industry concerns a variety of entities such as suppliers of raw materials, processors, manufacturers, traders,  distributors, retailers, associated industries such as the laundry industry, government and educational establishments as well as consumers….

…One new field of innovation in the textiles is emerging as the smart textiles which cover either smart textile materials or smart textile systems, including some of them combining technologies with electronic textiles and wearable devices. The uses expected of the smart textiles extend over medical device, general product safety, textile labelling, etc. Our technical committee liaises for cooperation with other technical fields and be responsible for standardization of the textile field of smart textiles….”

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee is the Global Secretariat.   ASTM International is ANSI’s US Technical Advisory Group Administrator

Educators and students in the United States interested in participating in the development of this product should communicate directly with Jen Rodgers at ASTM International, Jen Rodgers ([email protected]).  We maintain all ISO consensus products on the standing agenda of our monthly International Standards teleconference; open to everyone.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting.

Standard Specification for 100 % Cotton Denim Fabrics

Wool Throw Project

Sheep and Wool

How to Grow Wool in Your Backyard

Fashion Fall

Wool Throw Project

Wyoming’s climate and geography are well-suited for sheep farming and wool production. The state has vast expanses of grasslands and mountain ranges, providing ample grazing land for sheep. Additionally, Wyoming experiences cold winters and relatively dry conditions, which are favorable for sheep and help produce high-quality wool.

Animals 300

“The Valley of Wyoming” 1865 Jasper Cropsey





Fashion Museum



Standards Ohio

Art, Design & Fashion Studios

Art presents a different way of looking at things than science; 

one which preserves the mystery of things without undoing the mystery.

Sir Roger Scruton

“Interior de Ateliê” 1898 Rafael Frederico

We are guided by four interdependent titles that set the standard of care for safety and sustainability of occupancies supporting the fine arts in education communities.

(1)  Chapter 43: Spraying, Dipping and Coating Using Flammable or Combustible Material of NFPA 1: Fire Code.   As a “code” the public has free access to the current 2021 Edition , and Chapter 43 at the link below:

NFPA 1 Fire Code / Chapter 43 Spraying, Dipping and Coating Using Flammable or Combustible Materials

You get a sense of the back-and-forth among the technical committee members from the transcripts of committee activity linked below:

First Revisions Report (282 pages)

Our interest lies in fire safety provisions for educational occupancies with activity involving paint, chemicals used with paint (art studios) and Class III combustible materials (garment design & prototyping).

(2) NFPA also has another title — NFPA 33 Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials — provides more detail for instructional and facility maintenance operations activity.

(3) NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, much of which is derived from NFPA 1 (See: “How the Fire Code and Life Safety Code Work Together“)

(4) Finally, the International Code Council develops a competitor title — 2021 International Fire Code — which also provides fire safety standards for art, design and fashion studio safety.  The IFC is developed in the Group A tranche of titles:

2021/2022 Code Development Group A


We encourage direct participation by education industry user-interests in the ICC and the NFPA code development process.  A user interest in education community would have a job title similar to the following: Principal, Dean, President, Chief of Business Operations, Facility Manager, Trade Shop Foreman.

Harvard University

We maintain all four titles identified in this post on the standing agenda of our Prometheus (fire safety) and Fine Arts colloquia.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [10-31] [16-64]

Category: Fire Safety

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Josh Evolve, Marcelo Hirschler


Northeastern University: Safety Guide for Art Studios

Princeton University: Art Safety

University of Chicago Art Studio Safety Policy


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