Color Metrology


Color Metrology

October 17, 2024

Color and Appearance

Range of colors chart used in NIST measurements

The National Institute of Standards and Technology measures color through a combination of sophisticated instrumentation and established standards:

1. Standards and Calibration

    • Primary Standards: NIST maintains primary color standards, such as spectral reflectance and transmittance standards, that are traceable to international measurement systems.
    • Calibration of Instruments: Instruments used for color measurement are calibrated using these standards to ensure accuracy and consistency.

2. Instrumentation

    • Spectrophotometers: These instruments measure the intensity of light at different wavelengths. They are used to obtain the spectral reflectance or transmittance of a sample.
    • Colorimeters: These are simpler instruments that measure color using a few broad wavelength bands. They are often used for less precise applications.

3. Measurement Process

    • Sample Preparation: The sample to be measured is prepared according to specific protocols to ensure uniformity and consistency.
    • Spectral Measurement: The spectrophotometer or colorimeter measures the light reflected or transmitted by the sample across the visible spectrum.
    • Data Collection: The data collected includes the spectral power distribution, which indicates how much light is reflected or transmitted at each wavelength.

4. Data Analysis

    • Color Spaces and Models: The raw spectral data is converted into color space coordinates (e.g., CIE XYZ, Lab) using mathematical models. These models account for human vision characteristics and provide a numerical representation of color.
    • Comparison and Reporting: The measured color can be compared to standard references or reported in various formats depending on the application (e.g., color difference ΔE).

5. Quality Control and Assurance

    • Repeatability and Reproducibility: NIST ensures the repeatability and reproducibility of color measurements by using rigorous quality control protocols.
    • Uncertainty Analysis: The uncertainty associated with the measurements is analyzed and reported to provide a clear understanding of the precision of the measurements.

Example Instruments and Techniques

    • Goniospectrophotometers: These measure the color of materials that change appearance with viewing angle.
    • Integrating Spheres: These are used with spectrophotometers to measure diffuse reflectance or transmittance.
    • Laser-based Systems: Advanced systems that use lasers for highly precise color measurements.

NIST’s methods are designed to provide highly accurate and reliable color measurements that can be used across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, textiles, and digital imaging.

Standards Michigan: National Institute of Standards and Technology


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