Ethereum ERC-20

We find possible applications for DLT in space allocation, in/out-sourcing of facility service contracts, revenue and cost tracking; and bonding markets.


Ethereum ERC-20

December 16, 2023

Much of the safety and sustainability “culture” in the education facility industry continues to be informed by fire safety and energy professionals who are funded by proven budgets.   However, as the Internet of Things transformation continues the build out of synaptic connections in every dimension of the #SmartCampus we find growing interest in distributed ledger technology (DLT).  In the parlance of trendsniffers, DLT is the Next Big Thing for the Internet.

As if our work in the physical spaces within and between buildings did not require enough time and resources, real asset managers now have to be mindful of DLT roll out on #SmartCampus.  The rollout takes us beyond the legacy notion of artificial intelligence, beyond the cultural zietgeist of bitcoin and onto the other standardization systems where Ethereum — an open source, blockchain-based distributed computing platform – – is evolving continuously.

One of Ethereum’s most significant tokens — ERC-20 — has emerged as the technical standard used for all smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for token implementation.  The landing page for ERC-20 standardization activity is linked below:

As we have explained elsewhere on this site* open source standardization does not happen according to due processes accredited by ANSI and other national standardization bodies administered by the Geneva-based sister organizations ISO, IEC and ITU.

You may submit a proposal for improvement or comment upon the suggestions made by others at any time.  That is how open-source consortia standards work.

We refer blockchain applications to the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which has strong ties to the IEEE Blockchain Initiative.  We also host periodic Blockchain colloquia to keep pace.  See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting, open to everyone.

Issue: [Various]

Category: Blockchain, Information and Communication Technology, Finance, Management

Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Christine Fischer

*We direct you to ConsortiumInfo.ORG for more complete information about open source platforms.



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