

Day Care

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Father’s Day USA

Flag Day


“After School” 1959 Norman Rockwell


Flag Day in the United States, observed on June 14th, commemorates the adoption of the American flag by the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It’s a day to honor the symbol of the nation’s unity, freedom, and democracy. The flag represents the ideals and principles upon which the country was founded, including liberty, justice, and equality.

On Flag Day, Americans typically display the flag at their homes and businesses, participate in patriotic ceremonies, and reflect on the significance of the flag in American history and culture. It’s also a time to remember the sacrifices made by those who have served and continue to serve in defense of the nation. Flag Day serves as a reminder of the values that bind Americans together as one nation, under the banner of the stars and stripes.


Scripps National Spelling Bee

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Lingua Franca

Memorial Day

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United States Navy “Sleep”


“I Ain’t Worried” (One Republic Cover) Ohio University Marching Band

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