NFPA 1082 Standard for Facilities Fire and Life Safety Director Professional Qualifications identifies the minimum job performance requirements for Building Fire and Life Safety Directors. It is a relatively new title (first edition 2019) that sets minimum standards for hiring criteria and job performance.
This title adds dimension and technical specifics that should be known to hiring committees in all education communities as the list of sample job descriptions indicate:
Director of Campus Safety Gustavus University
Executive Director for Campus and Public Safety Boise State University
Assistant Director Campus Safety College of the Canyons
NFPA 1082 job requirements, and the requirements of all NFPA titles, may be implied in the “familiar with all applicable codes and standards” general-purpose language. The two main First Draft committees met online in July and November produced provisional revisions in the link below:
Building Fire and Life Safety Directors
Public input on the 2026 Revision will be received until January 4, 2024.
You may submit comments on the proposed changes directly to the NFPA 1082 committee (CLICK HERE). You may also click in to our daily colloquia when we can walk you through the NFPA public outreach on all of its titles generally. This title in a standing item on our periodic Human Resource colloquium; open to everyone. See our CALENDAR.
Issue: [16-142]
Category: Public Safety, Human Resources
Colleagues: Mike Anthony, Joe DeRosier, Josh Evolve, Marcelo Hirschler