Irrigation Sprinkler Heads


Irrigation Sprinkler Heads

November 6, 2020

Baylor University | Meagan Downing | Lariat Photographer

A fairly stable, best practice product jointly developed by the International Code Council and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers — ASABE/ICC 802 Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard — was released for public consultation a few weeks ago; a required 5-year revision.

Prospectus:  Establishes design and testing requirements for landscape irrigation sprinklers, bubblers, drip emitters and microsprays. Provides minimum design and performance requirements, and specifies uniform test methods for product performance. Sets definitions and product classifications for commonly used sprinklers and emitters. First edition of a new consensus standard developed through ICC’s ANSI-accredited standard development process in collaboration with the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).

Redline of the proposed changes are available here: ANSI Standards Action Pages 53-56

Comments are due October 15th.

Even though the consultation period has since passed you may communicate with the project leader Fred Grable. P.E. Senior Staff Engineer and Secretariat for ICC 802 (

Our resource allocation priorities place product and testing standards below interoperability standards because, frankly, the user-interest in education communities — despite its $300 billion annual spend on facilities — is outnumbered by Producer and General Interest stakeholders.  Manufacturers (Producers) and Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (General Interests) can build the cost of their advocacy into the price of the product they sell to us according to ANSI’ stakeholder balance requirements.   Many trade associations conform to business models that depend upon manufacturer support; particularly global industry manufacturing conglomerate support.   These trade associations do re-route some of their revenue into educational and student support programs.

We keep most landscaping standards on our periodic Bucolia, Pathway and Water teleconferences.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

Issue: [20-267]

Category: Pathways, Bucolia, Water

Colleagues: Richard Robben, Jack Janveja, John Lawter

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