Michigan Upper Peninsula

"In the early morning on the lake sitting in the boat with the mist all around them and the sun coming up, they felt they were the first people that had ever been there. The air was cool and fresh and the smoke from the campfires drifted down the lake." -- Ernest Hemingway ("Nick Adams Stories")



Michigan CentralMichigan WestMichigan East

Michigan Tri-County (Southeast Detroit Region)

Father Marquette Catholic Academy | Marquette County Michigan

Sacred Heart School | Baraga County Michigan


Northern Michigan University | Marquette County

Father Marquette Catholic Academy

Abiit sed non oblitus | Michigan


The Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium & Keweenaw | Houghton County Michigan

Northern Michigan University | Marquette County

Hancock Central High School | Houghton County Michigan

Lake Superior State University | Chippewa County Michigan

Gogebic Community College | Houghton County

Abiit sed non oblitus | Michigan

Library of Congress: Northern Michigan the Location of Finnish Migration to the United States

Ernest Hemingway: The Nick Adams Stories

Northern Michigan University

Lake Superior State University | Chippewa County Michigan

Finlandia University | Houghton County

State of Michigan: Construction of School Buildings (Act 306 of 1937)

Marquette Senior High School | Click image to see all graduates

Northern Michigan University

Northern Michigan University | Marquette County

Northern Michigan University | Marquette County


Michigan Electrical Administrative Act §338.883

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