Spring Week 22 | May 28 – June 2

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind.” ( Helena, lamenting that Demetrius has left her for Hermia 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream')


Spring Week 22 | May 28 – June 2

April 29, 2023
[email protected]

“After the Prom” 1957 Norman Rockwell

Monday | May 27 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Colloquy (May)

Tuesday | May 28 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Current Issues and Recent Research

Wednesday | May 29 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Thursday | May 30 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC


Friday | May 31 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Bucolia 300

Saturday | June 21

Sunday | June 2


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