Standards West Virginia

Charleston: 38.3498° N, 81.6326° W


Standards West Virginia

August 29, 2022

“The Ohio River near Wheeling, West Virginia” 1859 Lefevre James Cranstone

As we explain in our ABOUT, we continue grooming a cadre of “code writers and vote-getters” begun at the University of Michigan in 1993.  Code-writers and vote-getters for the user-interest in the American standards system are far and few between because technical expertise is expensive.   The cost of an informed and effective voice can only be met by the technical oligarchies we also identify in our ABOUT  — i.e. conformance, manufacturers, insurance interests, trade associations — but those voices are out there.  Many front-line experts are also enraged by the waste, duplication and non-sense that has characterized the US public education system since 1965.

We are now drilling down into state and local adaptations of nationally developed codes and standards that are incorporated by reference into public safety and sustainability legislation.

Standards Michigan remains the “free” home site but state-specific sites such as Standards West Virginia will be accessible to user-interest code-writers and vote-getters.   Please send a request to join one of our mailing lists appropriate to your interest. #StandardsWestVirginia

pathway, spring, sts


August 24: West Virginia College-Going Rate Continues to Decline

August 25: Roane County schools start year with secure entrances

August 29: West Virginia University opens new business school building


US Census Bureau American Community Interactive Data Map

US Congressional Districts Map

US Senator Interactive Map

West Virginia Voter Registration Totals

Teacher & Licensing Requirements by State

Homeschool Laws by State

List of colleges and universities in West Virginia

List of school districts in West Virginia


Open the Books: West Virginia

Electronic Municipal Market Access / West Virginia


West Virginia Building Code


Public Service Commission of West Virginia

Information & Communication

College Radio Stations in West Virginia


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Appalachian String Band Music Festival

Clifftop Community

Standards West Virginia Workspace

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