“Ward in the Hospital in Arles” | Vincent Van Gogh (1889)
It is wise to keep pace with this ASHRAE product because heightened interest in the complexity of environmental air management systems for in healthcare settings for treatment of contagious respiratory diseases. First, the scope statement from the ASHRAE 17o prospectus:
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to define ventilation system design requirements that provide environmental control for comfort, asepsis, and odor in health care facilities.
2.1 The requirements in this standard apply to patient-care areas and related support areas within health care facilities, including hospitals, nursing facilities, and outpatient facilities.
2.2 This standard applies to new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and those alterations to existing buildings that are identified within this standard.
2.3 This standard considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants that can affect the delivery of medical care to patients; the convalescence of patients; and the safety of patients, health care workers, and visitors.
The standard of care for university-affiliated healthcare facilities is virtually identical to the standard for private, for-profit healthcare facilities though, as with all consensus products developed by accredited standards developers, out-of-step conditions in state level adaptions of all consensus products applicable to healthcare facilities is possible.
ASHRAE has not released any addenda for this title as of this posting but it is wise to maintain this title and most ASHRAE titles — on the standing agenda of our Mechanical, Health and Nota Bene colloquia. ASHRAE public consultations are continuously maintained — in 30 to 45 day intervals. See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.
Issue: [Various]
Category: Mechanical, Electrical, Energy, Facility Asset Management
Colleagues: David Conrad, Jonathan Flannery, Richard Robben, Larry Spielvogel