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Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

Famous People Painting – Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante


Materiality of Human Capital Metrics

Lee S. Webster | University of Texas Medical Branch


Since the advent of scientific management in the late 19th century, investors have remained unpersuaded if not dismissive of human capital measures when determining the cumulative financial value of publicly traded companies. This reluctance stems from a perceived arbitrariness and empirical uncertainty that has attached to the measurement of workforce contributions to organizational value. Past critics of the use of human capital metrics frequently claim these measures are unproven, unserious, and immaterial disclosures that fail to meet the standard of relevant information for investors to consider. Contemporary management and investment experts challenge that reasoning and offer a more expansive and inclusive perspective of what investors need to know to make informed decisions. The publication of ISO 30414:2018 Human resource management* recommends that stakeholders revisit the relevance of human capital measurement in both American and international board rooms, investment banks, regulatory agencies, and security markets.  These stakeholders now have the means to explore whether human capital measures can provide faithfully and rigorously derived material information for investors.


Human resource management — Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting

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Human Resource Management



S. 3144 Youth Workforce Readiness Act of 2019

434 lawmakers, including 89 new freshman Members, were sworn in to the 116th Congress on January 3, 2019. Photo by Phi Nguyen.

A bill to establish a competitive grant program to support out-of-school-time youth workforce readiness programs, providing employability skills development, career exploration, employment readiness training, mentoring, work-based learning, and workforce opportunities for eligible youth.


Facility Management Credentialing Organizations

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Introduction to Workcred


Once a month — on the day we host our monthly Human Resource teleconference — we sweep through commenting opportunities on consensus products developed for incorporation by reference into federal, state and local safety and sustainability legislation.

We find relatively few commenting opportunities presented by accredited standards developers in the human resource space.   We find far more significant high level policy statements; first among them developed by a unit of the American National Standards Institute, linked below:

WORKCRED: Connecting credential, competencies, careers, customers

The proper business of the education industry overall — and the $300 billion facility segment we follow (and often lead) — is preparing the workforce everywhere to contribute to national economic priorities.   There is a strong cultural component — i.e. branding — the topic of another post.   Some have referred to this component as sustaining a cohort or guild that creates an emotional bond that hastens learning and a continual desire to self-educate to remain part of the cohort.

At the moment, the WORKCRED program at this point in its development, appears to provides guidance to conformance and compliance organizations among its members.   The user-interest in the education facility industry, at least dependent on a skilled workforce as any economic sector, and welcomed to participate.  We identify the initiative here and will keep a weather-eye out for commenting opportunities on draft consensus products emerging from it.  The link below should provide a more detailed overview of the program until a “commentable consensus product” suitable for incorporation by reference into legislation is released.

WORKCRED Report | July 2018

Organizations with their own credentialing enterprises for skilled trades, ICT, software engineering, etc. — are encouraged to communicate directly with the WORKCRED staff (CLICK HERE).






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