Tag Archives: California


Morning Tea

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Rewind: The Huntington

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Patient-Centric Design





Santa Clara

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Agricultural spiritualism



Agricultural Spiritualism

 Ickerd, John. “Reclaiming the Spiritual Roots of Farming”. University of New Hampshire, 2001.

Lang, Michael Kpughe (June 15, 2018). “The role of religion in agriculture: reflections from the Bamenda Grassfields of Cameroon since pre-colonial times”Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies.



Consulting System for University Athletic Sports


Analysis and Design of Consulting System for University Athletic Sports

Babak Moatamed – Sajad Darabi – Migyeong Gwak – Mohammad Kachuee – Casey Metoyer – Mike Linn


Many coaches and athletes are showing an increasing interest in training monitoring systems every year. There is a plethora of performance markers that can aid in a coaches assessment of physiological and psychological conditions of their athletes. These markers can indicate an athletes readiness for competition, adaptation to training, or risk for injury. However, studies have shown examination of these performance markers individually may not result in a clear perception of ones performance. Hence, an inclusive analysis of these metrics is required to achieve meaningful assessment. Recently with the growing use of wearable activity trackers, we have access to many of these markers. Currently, there are a few sport monitoring tools which are using a subset of these metrics and are mostly providing real-time data visualization to coaching staff. However, an appropriate athletic performance monitoring system should be intuitive, provide useful data analysis, feedback and reliable predictions to coaches and athletes. In this paper, we are proposing an athletic monitoring system which collects a comprehensive set of metrics and visualize them in real-time and informs coaches about athlete’s readiness score.


Published in: 2017 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies (HI-POCT)

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