Tag Archives: D2


Solar Panels on King’s College Chapel Roof

“…The solar panels will populate the gothic chapel roof, producing an approximate 105,000 kWh of energy a year – enough to run the chapel’s electricity, and saving around £20,000 in energy bills per year. The college confirmed that any excess energy would be sold off to the national grid.

King’s College Announcement

Solar Panels on King’s College Chapel Roof

Solar panels perform better when listening to music:

A 2013 study by researchers at Imperial College London and Queen Mary University of London showed that solar panels actually work better when exposed to music, of multiple genres. Scientists at the university proved that when exposed to high pitched sounds, like those found in rock and pop music, the solar cells’ power output increased by up to 40 percent. Classical music was also found to increase the solar cells’ energy production, but slightly less so than rock and pop, as it generally plays at a lower pitch than pop and rock. Whether they know it or not, British band Coldplay are just one of the artists benefitting from this research. During their 2021 tour, they installed solar photovoltaic panels in the build-up to each show, “behind the stage, around the stadium and where possible in the outer concourses”…

BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations

The Major Differences in Electrical Standards Between the U.S. and Europe

Design Optimisation of Wind- PV-Microhydro-Multi-Energy Storage System

Design Optimisation of Wind- PV-Microhydro-Multi-Energy Storage System for a Net-zero: Campus Case of University of Aberdeen Old Aberdeen Campus

Aerk Dimri, et. al

School of Engineering University of Aberdeen

Abstract:  Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units supply around two-thirds of the electricity that is consumed in the University of Aberdeen, s Old Aberdeen campus. As the CHP unit nears the end of its designed life., this paper explores the most cost-effective Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) configuration that can replace the CHP and achieve the university , s emission reduction target. This paper first analyses the current CHP and grid energy system and presents the electricity demand and the equivalent carbon emissions of the Old Aberdeen campus. Then the potential for renewable electricity generation is explored which includes an assessment of the wind energy resources, solar irradiance, potential locations for solar panel installation on the University property, and the potential of micro-hydro installations on the river Don. The electricity demand and the renewable energy data are then used to find the most cost-effective HRES configurations for multiple energy scenarios using MOHRES software. The most cost-effective HRES solution in the context of the Old Aberdeen campus achieves net-zero electricity at an investment cost of 7.1 M£ which is paid back in 25 years with an overall energy cost of 0.18 £/kWh. This cost is 14.3% lower than the current cost of electricity supplied by the grid. The annual cost of carbon offsets that need to be paid between 2040 to 2045 to balance emissions from grid electricity using the recommended solution is projected to be around £35.,000.

IEEE Education and Healthcare Facilities Committee


Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems

Technical Committee 82 of the International Electrotechnical Commission is charged with preparing international standards for the full length of the solar energy power chain  The span of the power chain includes the light input, the cell itself, and the fittings and accessories to the end use (utilization) equipment.

Strategic Business Plan of IEC Technical Committee 82

The United States is the Global Secretariat for TC 82 through the US National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (USNA/IEC) administered by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI).  Standards Michigan is a long-standing member of ANSI since our “standards journey” began at the University of Michigan in 1993.

The USNA/IEC and participates in its standards development processes; typically collaborating with global research and application engineers in the IEEE Industrial Applications Society and the IEEE Power and Energy Society.   To advance its agenda for lower #TotalCostofOwnership for US real asset executives and facility managers Standards Michigan also collaborates closely with subject matter experts who contribute to, and draw from, the knowledge base in the IEEE Education and Healthcare Facilities Committee (E&H).

The IEC permits public commenting on its draft standards; though you will need to establish login credentials:

IEC Public Commenting

Your comments will be reviewed by the IEC National Committee of the country you live in, which can decide to propose them as national input for the final draft of the IEC International Standard.  This approach makes it easier for individual nations to participate in IEC standards development processes because the resources that national standards bodies need to administer participation resides in Geneva and is managed there.  

We collaborate with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee which has its own platform to tracking commenting opportunities:


As of this posting, no interoperability redlines have been released for public consultation.   In large measure, IEC titles contribute to a level playing field among multi-national electrical equipment manufacturers so we should not be surprised that there are no redlines to review.   When they are released we place them on the agenda of the IEEE E&H Committee which meets 4 times monthly in European and American time zones.

Log in to the E&H Committee meeting

Issue: [18-240]

Category: Electrical Power, Energy Conservation

Contact: Mike Anthony, Jim Harvey, Peter Sutherland


[1] US Commenters must route their comments through the USNA/IEC.

[2] Many product and installation standards are developed by the Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers (NEMA): CLICK HERE

[3]  NEMA comparison of NEC and IEC electrical safety standards




Museum Lighting 101

“I feel that art has something to do with the

achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. “

— Saul Bellow

Museum Lighting & Lighting for Fine Art

Educational Facility Lighting

This content is accessible to paid subscribers. To view it please enter your password below or send mike@standardsmichigan.com a request for subscription details.

Inauguration of New Supercomputer

Supercomputing plays a crucial role in academic research by providing researchers with the computational power needed to perform complex and data-intensive tasks that are beyond the capabilities of standard computers. These advanced computing systems offer significant benefits and opportunities for researchers across various disciplines. Here are some key roles that supercomputing fulfills in academic research:

Simulation and Modeling: Supercomputers are used to simulate and model complex phenomena that cannot be easily replicated in real-world experiments. This is particularly important in fields like physics, chemistry, climate science, and engineering. Researchers can simulate the behavior of materials, climate patterns, particle interactions, and more, enabling a deeper understanding of natural processes and guiding experimental design.

Big Data Analysis: In many academic disciplines, researchers are dealing with vast amounts of data generated from experiments, observations, or simulations. Supercomputers excel in processing and analyzing big data, extracting valuable insights, and identifying patterns or correlations that would be difficult or impossible to detect using traditional computing resources.

Genomics and Bioinformatics: Supercomputing plays a vital role in genomics and bioinformatics research. Analyzing and comparing genomic data from various species or individuals requires immense computational power. Supercomputers help researchers analyze DNA sequences, identify genes associated with diseases, and explore the complexities of biological systems.

Drug Discovery and Computational Biology: Supercomputers are instrumental in drug discovery and computational biology, where researchers use simulations to understand how drugs interact with target proteins or predict the structure of complex biological molecules. These simulations help in the development of new drugs and therapies.

Astrophysics and Cosmology: Supercomputing is used to simulate the behavior of galaxies, stars, and the universe as a whole. Astrophysicists and cosmologists rely on supercomputers to model the evolution of celestial bodies, study cosmic events, and explore the mysteries of the universe.

Machine Learning and AI Research: Supercomputers accelerate research in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning by providing the computational power needed to train large-scale models and algorithms. This is critical for applications like natural language processing, image recognition, and autonomous systems.

Optimization and Data-Driven Decision Making: In various fields, supercomputing enables optimization problems to be solved more efficiently, leading to data-driven decision making. This is relevant in areas such as logistics, transportation, finance, and operations research.

Climate and Environmental Studies: Supercomputers are extensively used in climate and environmental research to model climate change, weather patterns, and the impact of human activities on the environment. These simulations help in understanding and mitigating the effects of global warming and other environmental challenges.

A small, entry-level supercomputer designed for academic or research purposes might cost around $500,000 to $1 million. These systems typically have modest computing power and are used in smaller research institutions or organizations with limited budgets.

Mid-range supercomputers with more significant computational capabilities can cost anywhere from $1 million to $10 million. These systems are often used in larger research institutions, national laboratories, and universities for advanced scientific simulations, big data analysis, and AI research.

At the high end, the most powerful and cutting-edge supercomputers, known as “exascale” systems, can cost several hundred million to over a billion dollars. These machines are at the forefront of technology and are typically used for groundbreaking research in areas like climate modeling, nuclear research, drug discovery, and national security applications.

Smart Energy

Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne / International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life

We follow the administration of the the US National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission; a member of an international committee administered by the International Electrotechnical Commission developing global  Smart Grid and Smart City concepts.   Related developments happen in the following committees:

TC 8 System aspects of electrical energy supply

SC 8A Grid integration of Renewable Energy Generation

SC 8B Decentralized Electrical Energy Systems

TC 13 Electrical energy measurement and control

TC 21 Secondary cells and batteries

21/1166/CDV  IEC 61427-2 ED2: Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy storage – General requirements and methods of test – Part 2: On-grid applications | Close Date: 2023-06-16

SC 23K Electrical Energy Efficiency Products

TC 34 Lighting

TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems

TC 120 Electrical Energy Storage Systems

TA 19 Environmental and energy aspects for multimedia systems and equipment

International Electrotechnical Commission | Consultations

Freely Available ICT Standards

We limit our interest to electrotechnology interoperability issues that are present in education communities (rather than product related issues).   We track coordinated action among the ISO/IEC/ITU:

ISO/IEC/ITU coordination – New work items (January 2023)

Note that there is what may appears to be a “competitor” standardization project at the ISO — TC 274 Lights and Lighting.  There is enough coordination between the IEC and the ISO that we ignore the slight overlap for our purposes.

We also collaborate with other US-based and other international universities through several societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).  The IEC also has several committees where leading practice is discovered and promulgated that influence electrotechnology research agendas in both the academic and business side of the education facility industry:

SyC Smart Cities: Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities

SyC Smart Energy

The ambitions of this batch of documents is to formalize the landscape of the emergent Smart City (and, accordingly, #SmartCampus) by doing the following:

  • Providing the rationale for the market relevance of the future standards being produced in the parent IEC technical committee.
  • Providing an indication of global or regional sales of products or services related to the TC/SC work and state the source of the data.
  • Providing standards that will be significantly effective for assessing regulatory compliance.

In electrotechnology, a great deal of research is conducted in US colleges and universities — some of it funded by federal agencies; some by the corporate sector.    Where appropriate we identify and highlight their research and findings — especially findings that will find a way into best practice literature that informs safety and sustainability in education communities.   Many IEC titles are referenced in ISO, IET, IEEE and NFPA consensus products.


Take, for example, the Association of Medical Imaging and Electrical Equipment Manufacturers (NEMA) — the Administrator of the USNC /IEC Technical Advisory Group of the USNA/IEC — frequently  releases material for US stakeholders to review.   The USNA.IEC also publishes a quarterly newsletter:

USNC Current | Winter 2023

There is a great deal of economic activity in this domain so we maintain our focus on the technical specifics presented in draft material.   About 80 percent of the work involved in standards setting is administrative.  Our focus has always been on the remaining 20 percent that involves a non-administrative skill set.  Because of copyright restrictions on draft material — very common in the standards setting systems in many nations — we are mindful of releasing the full text of draft documents intended for public consultation only.

We do it this way out of necessity.  There is no structured workspace provided by USNA/IEC at the moment; only emails with attachments among USNA/IEC members.   Instead, we use a combination content management system hosted by the University of Michigan and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.  We coordinate our review of the state of energy sector literature here and with the IEEE Education & Healthcare Facilities Committee.   All IEC products are on the standing agendas of our Energy, Power and Global colloquia.   See our CALENDAR for the next online meeting; open to everyone.

University of Michigan


Issue: [15-197]

Contact: Mike Anthony, Paul Green, Jim Harvey, Massimo Mittolo

Colleagues: Mahesh Illindala (Ohio State University), Giuseppe Parisi (Sapienza University of Roma), Loren Clark (University of Alberta). Jim Murphy (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory: University of California Berkeley),  Brian Marchionini (NEMA), Paul Green (University of Michigan)

Category: Electrical, Telecommunications, Energy Management, #SmartCampus, Informatics, Information & Communications Technology





Guide for Planning and Designing Transitions between Overhead and Underground Transmission Lines









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