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Simple Gifts




Abiit sed non oblitus | New York

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Readings / The Administrative State

“And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth,, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” — “Areopagitica” 1644 John Milton

“The university is a home of the human spirit,
and when it is ruled by bureaucracy and mediocrity,
the spirit is killed.”
Roger Scruton

Further Reading:

“How Many Federal Agencies Exist? We Can’t Drain The Swamp Until We Know”, Clyde Wayne Crews Jr, Forbes.  July 5, 2017

Franz Kafka Bibliography

  1. “How to Get a Job in the Federal Government” by Lily Whiteman
  2. “Careers in Government: When Public Service Calls, Opportunities and Options for Making a Difference” by Bruce Maxwell
  3. “Guide to U.S. Government Practice on Global Sharing of Personal Information” by Inside the Minds Staff
  4. “Working in the Shadows: A Year of Doing the Jobs (Most) Americans Won’t Do” by Gabriel Thompson
  5. “Federal Resume Guidebook” by Kathryn K. Troutman
  6. “The Complete Guide to Writing a Federal Resume” by Diane Hudson
  7. “Roadmap to Federal Jobs” by Kathryn K. Troutman
  8. “The Federal Jobs Book: Your One-Stop Guide to Government Employment” by Dennis V. Damp
  9. “The New SES Application: Writing the Traditional ECQs and the New Five-Page Senior Executive Service Federal Resume” by Kathryn K. Troutman

Apple Tree Anatomy


Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is a time for festive meals and traditional foods that carry symbolic meanings. Some common foods served during Rosh Hashanah include:

  1. Apples and Honey: This combination symbolizes the hope for a sweet year ahead. Apples are dipped in honey and eaten as a blessing for a sweet and fruitful year.
  2. Challah: Challah is a special braided bread traditionally eaten on Shabbat and holidays, including Rosh Hashanah. On this occasion, the challah is sometimes shaped into a round to symbolize the cycle of the year.
  3. Pomegranates: Pomegranates are another symbol of sweetness and fertility because of their many seeds. They are often eaten or their juice is used as a symbolic part of the meal.
  4. Round Foods: Many of the foods served are round to symbolize the cycle of the year. This includes round challah, as mentioned above, as well as foods like round gefilte fish.
  5. Honey Cake: Honey cake is a sweet dessert made with honey and spices, often served as a symbol of a sweet year.
  6. Tzimmes: Tzimmes is a sweet, slow-cooked dish made from carrots and sometimes sweet potatoes or prunes. It represents the hope for a sweet and prosperous year.
  7. Fish: Fish, particularly the head of a fish, is often served, symbolizing the desire to be “the head” and not “the tail” in the coming year.
  8. Leeks and Gourds: In some traditions, leeks and gourds are eaten, and their names in Hebrew sound similar to the words for “destroy” and “annihilate,” symbolizing the hope that enemies will be removed in the new year.
  9. Black-Eyed Peas: In some Jewish communities, particularly Sephardic Jews, black-eyed peas are eaten for luck on Rosh Hashanah.
  10. Wine: Wine is traditionally used for blessings during the meal, and it’s common to make a special blessing over a cup of wine called “Kiddush.”

These are just some of the traditional foods served during Rosh Hashanah. The exact dishes and customs can vary among Jewish communities and families, but the overall theme is to wish for a sweet, happy, and prosperous new year.

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