Tag Archives: December


Jack Janveja

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“The prettiest sight I know,

Worth all your roses and snow,

Is the blaze of light on a Saturday night”

– E. Nesbit, ‘Saturday Song’




2021 International Fire Code

NFPA 1 Fire Code

Center for Campus Fire Safety

Rewind: 117th Congress

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Autumn Syllabus Week 49 | December 4 – 10

God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December. - James M. Barrie

University of Oklahoma Tulsa Center for Studies in Democracy and Culture: The Roses of December

Austin Peay State University Tennessee

Monday | December 4 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Leviathan 400

Tuesday | December 5 | Colloquium 16:00 UTC

Illumination 500


Wednesday| December 6 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Intellectual Property


Thursday | December 7 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Site & Survey


Friday | December 8 | Colloquium 15:00 UTC

Winter Sport


Saturday |  December 9


Sunday |  December 10



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