Bethlehem University Marks 50 Years
— Bethlehem University (@BU_News) December 14, 2023
Bethlehem University Marks 50 Years
— Bethlehem University (@BU_News) December 14, 2023
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is a time for festive meals and traditional foods that carry symbolic meanings. Some common foods served during Rosh Hashanah include:
These are just some of the traditional foods served during Rosh Hashanah. The exact dishes and customs can vary among Jewish communities and families, but the overall theme is to wish for a sweet, happy, and prosperous new year.
New update alert! The 2022 update to the Trademark Assignment Dataset is now available online. Find 1.29 million trademark assignments, involving 2.28 million unique trademark properties issued by the USPTO between March 1952 and January 2023:
— USPTO (@uspto) July 13, 2023
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